Love Science

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#BTS' comeback on the 18th.
#KHAN's debut on 23rd.
#Yeran's POV coz why not.

Funny isn't it? I don't know but the entire time we were talking, the six of us including {name} eonnie, I am silent, coz I feel like my heart is being pinch from time to time, maybe I am having a heart burn, nah this is nothing, it casually happens when I get acid reflux but this time it's different, my doctor has not inform me that I can get this emotional, I mean one swift move and my tears will fall anytime.

I hate this feeling honestly, I always keep my emotions in check, huh I'm quite good ya know, when it comes to hiding what I feel, probably gotten this skill from my Mom. But seeing how this {name} girl flirts with Kookie, I wanna pull her hairs, those glossy and shining hairs unlike mine, shit that's a self esteem down pull.

"Jungkookie, I am planning on visiting your house one of this days, you know have a little chat with eomonie, talk to her as well about your school transfer"

Eomonie? I don't even call Aunt Jangmi that way, I bite on my lips, glancing at Kookie and his beautiful lips saying his reply.

"Arasso noona I'll tell mom"

And that's it, I can't take it anymore. I stand up and pull my bag with me, I don't care if I look rude and stupid at the same time but how will I contain my emotions when they are that sweet in front of me, deym I'm not a masochist nor a martyr to watch them crash my heart like that.

Wait did I say crash my heart?

I do not like Jungkook okay? Not in a romantic way anyway. You can have him if you want, I know you want him for yourself too, but..... thinking of him enjoying that girl's presence, I let out a hiccup without my knowledge. I feel I feel horrible than that, maybe my tear ducts are full so the salty water fall down my eyes, and God it's irritating. I am not even used to the contact lens I'm wearing so the tears are making me feel worse.

Why am I even crying?

I don't know okay?

It's just that I feel sad, my heart arteries are aching, so does my palms which are fisted tight.

I went to my locker and gather up my things, I can't go to class looking like this. I should maintain my image as a tough girl that no one messes with. I don't cry over silly matters,... not in front of other people, but mom and dad is an exception of course and Kookie too. Even Jae In never saw me cry since we've met.

She's cool I know that but I'm tougher, I wonder if that's a good thing or bad about me. I just thought life will mess with you if you're not tough okay? Don't hate me. And as for I my philosophy about not dating guys who're younger than me?!...

Well, how can I say this ...

You know both my parent's right?

I'm quite sure that you read their story from somewhere, I know they encounter series of problems but whenever I ask mom how they survived all of that....she would always say......I am just lucky coz your Dad is mature enough to decide for both of us......okay pretend you don't see this very paragraph. *it's just my pity promotion nvm 😴*

See? I want a guy like that also, responsible enough, thinks mature enough not to let me go and experience the dungeon of heartaches. They would always say, if there's love..then heartache follows suit and I don't want that...

I wan't mom and Dad's kind of story..where dad fought for both of them..geez

I always look up to their relationship, Dad is mom's first and last love, and mom is Dad's greatest love....

Isn't it so romantic?

Yes indeed!

And I want mine to be that one too, I mean I only want to have a sole boyfriend and that only boyfriend will become my husband later on, like mom.


Got me now?

Now going back to Jungkook,... given I accept him, will he ever be inlove with me until we're ready enough to get married?

Whut? Marriage? What am I even thinking.

He's just fifteen, I know someday he will turn his eyes and find someone what other normal boys will do. They play coz it's in their nature and what about me, if that time comes I know I can't forgive him and I don't want to lose him too,

Isn't precaution better than sorry?

Oh wait, Mom's gonna ask me what happened if I go home looking like this. And *sigh I don't want an interrogation right now.

Wiping my eyes with the back of my hands I decided to go to the library and yeah sleep...everybody's doing that...why can't I? Besides finals are coming and pretending to study is not that hard.

On my way to the library I saw JB's girl  crying...

What should I do?

Comfort her? Greet her? Wait we're not that close, maybe she'll be creep when I talk to her out of the blue right?

Gosh, she even cries when she's that beautiful courtesy of that deym little monster JB, I mean he's a jerk for two timing her.

Welp what about me? I'm not that beautiful, I know Jungkook will find someone who's hotter and sexier than this pity soul right inside my body.

Shems I wanna cry...why am I a self pity all of a sudden.

I walk past her and sadly went on my way. She's old enough to handle her dramas I thought....nah don't do this...

but I turn slowly, gulp my massive shyness and walk back to her...I fiddle on my skirt and I touch something inside my pocket.

Nah don't.....

I pulled it out and give it to her.

"That's suppose to be mine but I am giving it to you, don't cry. He don't deserve it" and then I turn and walk away. Nah but it's the last piece of snickers that I have...*sigh.

Going inside the library...

It's the same scenario from the common fics you've read before, sleeping, whisperings, hanging out but mostly sleeping yeah and I'm also up for it.

I take a sit on the far most table at the corner and snatch some random book on the shelf.

"Love Science" geez, love science my ass.

Love Science
By: Min Swaeg Yoongi

Foreword: Just a little reminder, once you jim in you can't jim out, coz I am infires...infires men....

What? Gosh who even published this ?! tch...tch...

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