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"You don't have to hurt yourself like that, if you don't want me that much, it's okay I understand" he applies some betadine and plasters the dot like wound with a thick layer of gauze but she look away not answering him since he said the forbidden statement.

"Starting tomorrow, I won't interfere with you and JB anymore, I know you like him and if he makes you happy then I'll be happy for you" he smiles sadly pulling up his backpack on the bed.

"Mom texted me that they're outside the school, she's with your mom and they're coming any time now" he asks the nurse to come over and stay with her.

"I'll go get your bag noona" she secretly send him with her gaze out the door, she's worried for him too. Both of their mother will get mad of course and she's oblivious that their parent's friendship will also be affected.

Her heart jumps up to her throat when the door suddenly opens revealing the two person she was thinking earlier. Both approach her, asking what happened and quieted when she said it's nothing.

"Yeran, it is something you have to tell me, who is this shameless person who put you in this horrible state? Huh tell me and I'll talk to the school director to kick whoever it was!"

"Mom, it's okay I'm fine let's go home now I'm tired" her mothers fiery aura doesn't died down seeing her only daughter on that state, she confronts the nurse instead who by that time is busy tending her incident report.

"Why didn't you bring my daughter to the hospital huh? Are you professionals for real, what if something bad happened to my child huh? I need to talk to the school director like right now, We are paying thousand bucks not to make our child suffer like this, bring me the school director now or else I'll sue you all!" She sigh at how her mother scold the shocked nurse shivering in her skimpy uniform.

"Mom, come on. She helped us earlier, don't treat her like that" she massages her aching head and Mrs. Jeon came to comfort her.

"Yeran'ah, tell me what really happened? I heard that Jungkook was involved too" she holds her hand and squeezes it a little.

"It's entirely my fault mom, Aunt Yndi I'm sorry I can't turn back time but really am sorry for what I've done" Jungkook came inside holding her bag and bow to both of their mother. His shocking confession made them lost their tongue for a moment glancing to both of their children and to themselves.

"I'm sorry but I caught a fight with one of the students this morning and I punched Yndi noona accidentally" his head hang low, afraid to receive the wraths from the two mothers.

"Yah! Jeon Jungkook, what are you saying?" His mom is confused all the more, looking to her son and she gasps when he see his bruised face.

"Oh my goodness, what happened to you Kookie?" Mrs. Jeon rushes to his side this time cupping his cheeks while checking it from all the sides.

"Just minor scratches mom, nothing fatal" he leans his face away and turn to face Yeran's mom.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it" with watering eyes, he bows religiously towards Yeran's mother and bid his goodbye to them saying he'll wait for his mom in the car.


"Mom I am fine as a pine tree don't need to worry, I need to go home and rest please" her mother exhales a low 'okay' after scrutinizing her from head to toe.

*three days after*

"Hey, it's good to see you back" she looks behind her and saw JB, he looks fresh and fragrant on his new brush up hair cut. She is relieved seeing his bruise free face and smiles.

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