I Love You Goodbye

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"Yeran sweetheart where were you and Jungkook? Gosh the guests are waiting for the second part of the program" her mom rush to her side and hold her by the arm.

"I'm not feeling well mom, let's go home" the cracking of her voice made her mother cup her face.

"Wait is everything alright? Are you sick?" She smiles but her mother worries more.

"Tell me, something happened am I right? Who is it?!"

"Nothing mom, I really feel sick right now, if you please tell Dad that we'll going home? Now please? I'll be in the car" she run away from the crowd, crying in silence not minding every people's stares and intrigued glances.

The moment she arrived inside she burst into a sob, crying her heart out.

I knew it right in the beginning, giving my heart away only brings heart ache and pain and I am stupid enough not to listen to my intuition.

"Stupid" she bumps her head on the rest and continue crying.

~~Several Days Later~~

"Still overdosed of your birthday?" She smiles glancing back at her father.

"I'm fine dad, I am just preparing for the exam next week" she pretends to scan the few pages of her book weakly and close it after.

Whatever she's doing is not registering on her mind and lately she don't eat that much too.

"Is it Jungkook?"

For a bit, she stop what she is doing and shook her head.

"I'll be fine don't worry, I'm a warrior dad and warriors do not surrender" she lift her biceps showing him her bravery.

"Whatever it is, please talk to Jungkook once and for all, he's downstairs sweetheart" she stiffen at the mention of the name but shook her head aggresively.

"I can't talk to him right now dad, please tell him I am not feeling well" she reasons, soon her cell phone blinks showing Jae In in the call register.

"Why don't you answer your calls, Jae In is also waiting for you to answer since last week"

"I will dad, later" her dad rustles her hair and stand up.

"Communication is the key Yeran'ah please open your mind before it'll become too late" Jin smiles at her daughter and walk out of the door leaving her wondering at what he said.


"What did she said Samcheon?" He huffs out loud and look àt Jungkook with his slampy shoulders.

"She said she's okay but I think she's not and she will be fine, yeah nothing much Kook"

"But did she say I can talk to her?"

"I think it's better to just come back when she's finally cool down Jungkook, I understand you but I understand my daughter too and I know it will be a waste of time if you keep on coming back when she's not yet ready to talk to you" Jin pats his shoulder feeling his resignation too.

"I guess so too samcheon" he pulls out something in his pocket and gives it to him.

"Please tell noona I was suppose to give this to her on her birthday" he handed him a small box and a letter.

"Sure Kookie, it's okay everything will fall into place, just hold on okay? Fighting!" Jungkook just give a small nod and exit their house after.

"Is he gone Dad?" Jin flinches at his daughter's creepy voice.

"My goodness, why don't you talk to him instead of creeping me out aish this kid"

"Eh dad, is that for me?"

"Yes and he said he's suppose to give you this last week on your birthday" he hands her the items and walk away.

She flips the envelop up and down and shake the small box.

What could be the content of this?

She run up to her room and toss it on her bed. Immediately tearing the envelop open. There a letter from Jungkook welcomes her eyes.


         I know everything I will say will sound defensive to you but I will still try my luck.
         I am really sorry if you feel wrong about the idea of making you fall in love with me but if given a chance to rewind everything that happened, I will probably do the same. Because I will not cease from making you as my girl noona.
         I love you very much and that's the truth that I am trying to prove to you. Maybe not now but someday I know that we'll be back in each other's arms and by the time, I will make you fall in love with me without the help from other people.
          I write this letter coz I know you will not face me, you're so stubborn I know that but I just want you to know that I will be finally transferring school and probably we will not going to see each other for a while. My grandparents fetch me this morning and I guess I finally have the reason to leave.

        Tell we meet again noona, I love you, goodbye.

She starts to hiccup and cry until the paper gets wet. Soon she stands up and run down their stairs.

"Opss where are you going?"

"Dad is Jungkook really leaving?"

"Yeah, I told you yesterday"

"What? I didn't hear you saying that" she sprints outside their gate but sadly Jungkook's family car is finally leaving the neighborhood, she can only see the fumes of the car and she can do nothing else but squat on the floor looking at Jungkook finally gone.

I guess I still love you too Jungkook, goodbye.

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