Purple Rain Cont'..

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"Saeng il chuka hamnida, saeng il chuka hamnida, saranghaneun Kim Yeran'ssi, saeng il chuka hamnida!Surprise, surprise ma friend, how's your preparation?!" She flinches at the sudden pop of confettis upon her entrance in Jae In's room.

"Oh well good thing Uncle WWH allowed you to step out of your cage...aw what was that for" the cylinder plunges at her head as Yeran puff it off her bestfriend's sturdy skull.

"His name is Jin, don't need to add some weird namy names, and Yes he allowed me because I said I am going here, duh it's just five houses away from us" she rolls her eyes and sit on her bed comfortably.

"Aren't you supposed to be busy right now, your party is on the weekend right?" She sits by he side, snatching a huge bag of tortillas by her snackstand, opens it at one bite on the edge and offers her some. Of course she takes as a go signal and starts to dig on it too.

"Yeah about that too, I was planning to ask them to just save the money for college or spend it on an out of the country vacation but you know, perks of being an only girl in the family" she huffs out loud, and stuff a hanful of chips in her mouth.

"Same here but you have to have the party, you'll get engaged on that day isn't it?" Jae In's brows' dances as she speak.

"Oh God about that thing too, isn't it ridiculous? I mean yeah I like Jungkook now but he's just fifteen! Who on earth gets engage at that age? And before I forget why din't you help me at the time, explaining to them, my dad in particular?" Munching loudly, she shot her an accusing look.

"Well, if Uncle Jin didn't believe you, how much more about me? I am just a cutie bestfriend of yours, I can't do anything about it ma boo" she said blinking her eyes cutely.

" boo my ass, you didn't even defended me when Jungkook told them a different story, grr Park Jae In"

"Calm down okay, it's just that I am not the immediate person involved so,  sane person as I am, I think it's not on my jurisdiction anymore" and she laughs contrary to sane person as she said.

"You're not a judge idiot, still I am not agreeing to this engagement, it sounds  crazy to be honest" Jae In's food was not able to reach her mouth when her hands fell limply on her laps.

"Are you crazy? What do you think Jungkook will feel if you ruin the engagement announcement!?" She hysterically asks, clutching her arms.

"And then what about me? Hello, I am also the other party involved here, I have feelings too, I want a normal happy college life, without strings and hassle and such.. "

"You're just going to be engaged, you'll not be a disable person, come on everything will be the same for sure.."

"Oh God if you're that eager, why don't you get engaged with him instead" she fall back on the bed, stomping her legs on the sheets. 

"Bish, I'll gladly do it if Jungkook happens to be in love with me but I see it as clear as crystal, he was and is smitten over the prettiest, loveliest, cutest noona in the person of Kim Yeran and that's you mommy bunny, I can't do nothing about that" she explains dramatically that made Yeran kick her back softly. 

"Ouch, such a masochist. I won't wonder why Jungkook broke his wrist" she snorts playfully, narrowing her eyes at her.


"You know, Jungkook said something happened, oh my God, I can't even imagine!"

"Eh, stop or I will not talk to you ever!"

*arte nito, ganda ka?!*

"Okay fine but kidding aside, if you think it's unfair for you to get engaged with him just because of the mis understanding, then it's your decision, I know he will understand..maybe.."

"Aw, you're such a good friend Jae In'ssi"

"But I'm sure that he'll get broken, he'll be hurt, and what if he'll find somebody else and marry immediately? Tch, what if he will find another noona? Aw Jiyoon noona will be on the party too, that's a good thing and I bet you're curious if who is the mystery person he is texting for quite a while, what if she's a girl that is ready to catch Jungkook when he fall out of love since you'll disregard his feelings again?!...oh my feels.." She chuckles,

"Psh, stop it will you? I know where is this going so shut it" she sits up and snatch her food. "Why don't you become a script writer Park Jae In? Yours books will be a hit for sure" she snickers.

"Yeah, we never know, how about I write your love story?!" She laughs not bothered by her sarcasm. "And you want to call Jungkook now? Ten thirty is long to wait, it's just seven"

"You know that thing too? I thought it's just between us, gosh that kid, why can't he keep it to his self?"

"Don't blame him, I just good at persuading or more like blackmailing, haha" Jae In fans her self proud.

"I can't with this bish" Yeran murmurs, smacking the pillow on the former's head. 


The day before the party

"What happened? Why is he acting up again?" Jackson tip toes while entering their hangout place coz everything is scattered on the floor, broken glasses, littered furnitures and trash, it's like they are newly hit by a storm.

"Sshh, he's just like that coz he learned that Jungkook will be Yeran's escort on her party" Mark says in a hush voice.

"Oh what is new to that? It's the most predictable thing to happen and besides we will be more surprise if Woohyun hyung will the escort----it'll be ridiculous" he sits by his side and both of them shared a helpless look, gazing at the enraged Woohyung who is still punching the wall.

They both flinch as he turns back to them, sitting on couch opposite to them after.

"H-hyung, it's just a party..."

"You do not understand!" He scowls at them and soon they lost their voices. "That idiot Jungkook and that weirdo Yeran will get engaged on the party and I can't simply allow that!" With a sharp gaze and gritted teeth, he box his fist on his other palm.


"Shut up! I need to have an invitation to that party wherever it is and you" he points at them whom in return pointed themselves "you will get it for me" Woohyun smirks, dancing his keychain on his finger.

"Let's see if they'll have their happily ever after" his wicked smile turns into laughter.

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