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"Thank you noona!"

He feel so proud at how she praises his moves during the practice, somehow his problems are replaced by a sudden excitement and empowerment, he didn't know that dancing can boost his confidence and help him during those times when his heart aches, broken by his Yeran noona.

"No problem JK, you're really good and full of potential, probably you'll become someone great someday, someone better than me and the rest of the movers considering you're learning fast and precise!" She rustles his hair and pats his shoulders before skipping towards the entrance.

"Noona annyeong!" He waves and she winks in return which made him blush, he barely interacts with girls other than her two noonas and he gets shy toward the others.

"Woah, what was that?" Jimin in his nosy but cute self, shots him an intriguing look, nudging his hips that made him step a little to the side.

"What, what?!" He kicks him on the butt and run to dodge his counter attacks.

"Ey, another noona? What are you?  noona magnet?!" He run after him until they fall flat on the floor bickering and exchanging slaps on the chest.

"Yah, she's just a new teacher to me, no one can replace Yeran noona in my heart" he said while catching his breathe.

"But come to think of it, what if Yeran noona will not develop any romantic feelings towards you, what will you do huh?" Jimin sits on the floor crossing his legs, he turns his cap around to see his face clearly.

"I don't know, maybe I'll move on years later but I really don't know. She's my first love and they said first love never dies right?!"

"Tch, you're deep Jungkook'ssi, you're too young to take that thing seriously, most of the students our age are just having fun playing around, just have fun okay? Look at me..."

"Yeah look at you, you're hailed as the number one fuck boy in school" Tae blurts behind him.

"Aish, we're not talking to you, leave us alone" the angry mochi throw his small towel to the newly arrived boy.

"Don't listen to him Jungkookie, he's not a good influencer" Tae sits beside the lying bunny and eventually lay his head on his stomache.

"Aw Tae, your head is heavy, that's too much for an airhead like you" he grunts.

"Says another airhead, everybody knows that you get only four correct answers in our english test last time" Tae rolls his eyes, hitting his belly harshly and tickle him after.

"Both of you are the same air head don't deny that, and that is the very reason why you two click" Jimin snorts.

"Don't exclude yourself pabo, we're just the same birds here, though we have different feathers and of course you're the dirtiest one" Tae pokes him with his foot.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung..."

"Urgh, you're noisy!, you two, let's just eat, come on"

"Okay,  Chim let's go, it's Jungkook's treat ka ja!" Tae stands and offer Jimin his hand which he gladly accepted, leaving the stupefied bunny still lying on the floor.

"Talking of shell faces, yah wait for me!"


Jae In's brows burrowed- wriggled seeing her friend in her fidgety gestures. She occasionally closes her eyes tight and covers her ears, shaking her head off.

"Yah, did you lost your sanity?" She whispers under her breath, hiding her mouth behind her palm.

"I think yeah, I keep on thinking his face and his voice keeps on replaying in my mind, urgh It's crazy!" She covers her face and uncovers it harshly.

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