Fortune Cookie

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*Beware, today isn't a great day for you, nightmares will come to life, confusion will dwell upon you wether to follow your heart or your mind.

*Don't let insecurity scare the flame in you heart, hold your head up high, conquer your fears and see the light.

*Be prepared coz everything you decide will greatly affect your tomorrows so be bold, follow what your heart desires coz the sound of your beating heart will lead you to your true happiness.

*Pay a visit to the last person whom you think before you sleep, he's the one, your one and never let him go otherwise you'll regret it big.

*Drink after you eat, it will replenish your thirsty soul..

"Gosh this is pathetic, Mom did you subscribe my account to this stupid what? Horoscope?" Her mom glances at her while tossing and flipping the pancakes to the other side.

"Use your eyes, see the heading, it's not a horoscope it's a fortune cookie sweetheart" and literally she reads it after snorting at her mother.

"I'll unsubscribe this one, eh it consumes a lot of my phone's memory, this is isn't helpful I don't believe in this" says her while ducking the phone on the charger.

"Uh oh, no using of phone when attached to the outlet, Dad's protocol remember?"

"Fine, fine but still I'll delete it later" she sits down and eat her breakfast, munching the pan cakes in her mouth.

"Jae In, it's weird she's not texting nor calling me since yesterday, is she alright?"

"By the way, Kookie had gone to school already, he's fetch by his new dance teacher" informs her mother cleaning the pantry.

"This early? I thought he has dance lessons after school and not in the morning?!" Still busy in her cleaning, Yndi is not able to see her uneasy eyes and fidgety gesture.

"Yeah, I think they'll having a good breakfast outside since Jangmi is sending your Uncle Hobi to the airport again" she staighten her slouching posture as the older approaches her.

"Then he could have come here and eat like we used to do" she mumbled now chewing on her bottom lip, she doesn't know but her chest tighten at the thought of him chilling out with his new instructor.

"I don't know maybe, he'd finally come into his senses that you are not the only person he can be friends with" her mother shrug, eyeing her slumpy shoulders and the sudden clatter of the spoon and fork in her plate.

"Maybe..." she said while standing up from her seat. She's eaten little to nothing and her stomache growls at the moment.

"Noona, here I bought a sandwich for you" she smiles turning around, she is sure that it is Jungkook and his giddy voice made her smile but not when she turns around and see him handing the food to this new noona.

"Such a sweet boy eh, thank you Kookie" the girl ruffles his hair and Yeran's eyes squinted, seeing how he giggle under her touch like a boy getting attention from his crush. 

"I'll see after school noona, wait fo me okay?" And he skips back maybe on his class not sparing even just one glance at her.

She on the other hand smiles bitterly, trying to hold the tears from the brim of her eyes.

'Why do I feel like crying? Am I becoming stupid?'

And she smiles even bigger walking back to her class too.

"Hey, you don't call me since yesterday, everything alright?" She sits beside Jae and the girls just nod at her.

"I'm sorry about that but we hang out with {name} eonnie yesterday and we  kind of have a little fun, I forgot to inform, are you mad?" Jae In in her not usual serious tone.

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