I'm your girl

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#promotion above, Lols check out I'm your Girl by Khan juseyo. If you do then I'll be forced to update soon. Lols. Kidding.

"Stop right there young lady" her mother's squinting eyes meet her panicking ones soon.

"Mom I will be late" she tries to reason but she lift her chin and do her little inspection.

"Contact lens, Aw that's powder over your cheek, brow liner, eyeliner, eye shadow, and reddish lips...What's happening? Are you sick or are you high?"

"Mom? Is it bad to act like a lady once in a while?"

"No, but if it's you then probably something is up"

"Geez mom you're making this more difficult for me"

"Tell me then, why are you like this?"


"Oh my God, my baby is now a lady, I just can't..your Dad...I will tell this to your Dad" and she cries like a mad woman while dialing on the phone. Soon she put it down and look at her.

"Not answering but andwaeeee, erase all of that erase!"

"Calm down, Mom it's just 0.1% make up. It won't kill me"

"Still, why are you wearing make up anyway?!"

"Because....ju..I mean they are doing that in school too"

"Lie, give me an honest answer and I'll let you do whatever you want" she purses her lips and pull her daughter to sit on the chair in the dining room.

"Argh Mom this is embarassing ?!"

"Why should you be embarrassed? I'm your mother, it's my duty to know all your shenanigans"

"Mom, for the second time wearing a make up is not a crime, besides you are rattling about me having no lady like finesse, so here it is"

"Is for Jungkook?!" She is about to fall down on her chair in her sudden counter attack.

"J-jungkook? W-why is Jungkook's name is dragged here? He has nothing to do with all of this"

"You know what, it's your second lie of the day, and sweety liars go to hell tch tch"

"Mom, I said no okay..."

"Fine, I won't say anything about the the Flames Candle written on the papers I saw this morning, plus uh oh at least conceal that fat eye bag of yours, can't sleep last night am I right?!" She wriggles her eyebrows.

"I don't know what are you talking about"

"Pffft...you know what, I can't also sleep last night listening to your sigh and groans,,..Jungkook stop pestering my mind...get out of my brain...like oh my God, I hate you" Yeran face palms herself and cover her ears not to hear her mother mimicking her tone of voice.

"Mom, I'll probably be later than late, I'm going" she stands up and palm iron her skirt.

"You will never be late even if you go later in the afternoon" her mom shrugs standing too.

"What do you mean?!"

"Dear it's weekend, last time I check you don't have classes on a Saturday" her soft chuckle made her close her eyes.

"Mom are you kidding me?"

"You are still a kid to me but I am not kidding you" she flashes her a cheeky grin and she checks her phone. It is really a Saturday morning while, she being in complete uniform and a not so flashy make up.

Geez embarrassment level 1000

"Why didn't you tell me earlier, I take a bath not minding the cold just to be early in school, Mom how could you?" She asks teary eyed.

"Is it my fault? Okay fine, change clothes and we're going somewhere, I'll prepare breakfast sweety" and she stomps her feet climbing up the stairs once again.

Shit this is your fault Jeooooon Juuuungkoooook!

And she slams the door, poor thing.


"Mom? Isn't this too short for me?"

"Loosen up, three centimeters isn't that long, besides it will grow fast, the hairstylist just cut off the split ends of your hair"

"I don't want colors okay?"

"As you wish, just a little pampering on your hair and they'll try to fix your trying hard make up so chill my dear, let them do their magic"

After 3 hours of torture, she is now standing in front of a full length mirror with wide eyes staring at the beautiful girl. That girl has a shoulder length straight hair, brow's fixed in a smooth curve, face glowing in pinkish hue. Over all she can barely acknowledge who the girl is.

"You look lovely sweetheart" she see her mom's hands on the girl's shoulder but it's odd coz she can feel it right on her own shoulder.

"I-is that me?"

"Yes that's you, Kim Seokjin and I's daughter, see you're beautiful. This is what I am telling you long time ago"

"Mom this is really me?"

"Silly, of course that's you. You're our second child and only daughter, she's really you, come on enough drooling with yourself, it's not healthy"

"If only Jiji oppa is here, he'll say I'm beautiful too" she sighs and Yndi hugs her tight.

"Don't spoil our mood sweetheart, I know wherever he is. He is happy to see you well and good too"

"Okay, let's eat mom, I didn't know beauty pampering can be this long and exhausting"

and they went outside the salon and hunt some good food.


"Tae tell Chim I'm here in the mall now, where are you two?!"

"We're stuck in here, Jae In and Jiyoon nona make us clean the studio, don't worry kookie we'll finish soon" and he hear a bellowing noise of the vacuum cleaner in the back ground.

"Fine, I'll wait for another one hour but after that I'll go home right away, mom's having some visitor later in the evening she wants me to help her"

"Got it Kookie, loud and clear" he sigh after tapping the end call button. They're suppose to be hanging out in the mall that day but his naughty friends might have done something dirty in the studio....

.... oopsie by dirty means Tae spilling his chocolate drink on the floor and Jimin slipping on it, and the rest is probably a messy history.

He feels sour in the stomach, his hungry tummy is growling so he went to the nearby Panda Express, ordered some double pound jalapeno burger and a fizzy sprite in can.

He looks around but there is no vacant table so he decided to look at the back area and he found a table for two.

He dashes to it, but someone familiar sits on the chair before he can grab it for himself.

"Excuse me, but I was here before you Jeon Jungkook" the girl smiles at him, showing that little shallow dimple like ....aw it's in the tip of his tongue but he can't name it.

"Do I know you aga'ssi?"

"Yes you do, Jungkookie"

"Pardon? I- I mean it's the first time that I see you miss?!" He's too curious but the girl just giggles, hiding her smile in her palms.

"I know it's rude to ask this, I'm sorry but....who are you?" He scratches his nape and put his food in the table.

"Your soon to be girl"


"I'm your girl" she winks and walks away.

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