The Forgotten Third Step

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"Urgh, this is hard" laying flat on the soft surface of his bed, he keeps on chewing on his lips trying to weigh the third step in his mind.

He thought if Yeran and him will start something beyond friends and brothers zone, he wants to be honest as he could. He knew that she is tough and hard outside but she's very fragile in the inside and he also knew what made her like that.

He of all people, aside from his and her family definitely knew the reason why Yeran wanted to be this brave girl, a girl who don't want to depend on other people, a girl which no one messes with, a very aloof girl coz for some unknown to many reason, she doesn't socialize much and if Jungkook is not that lonesome too during their childhood, chances are she will not pay any single ounce of attention to him

Gliding his finger on the scroll bar, he sighs another lifting the back of his arm and lay it on his own forehead.

"Aish who says confessing a crime is easy?" The tab make a back flip on the bed as he toss it aside but soon light up flashing a bluish light color, painting his once raven black room.

"Why do I need to re read your blog hyung? Why? Everything is at its place right now but why is it, urgh!!!" He peep one more time on the screen and there is the third step written in bold letters.

3. BE HONEST, even if others are not, even if others can not, even if others will not.

One thing I remember about my terror teacher during elementary days is her constant reminder, she always say cheating is a crime, be it in love or in every day aspect of life. Short cut is easy but will also live short so beware kid. It's better to man up and be blunt saying your intention. If you love her,  say it straight to her face bravely coz no hard girl can resist the charm of an honest man. After all they don't need a boy, they need a man.

His gaze soon fly at the top of the screen and it says 10:30, aw babe time.

Lazily or more like scaredly, he re dial the last number he called the other night, pressing the call button. The ringing seems vibrating parallel to the rapid beating of his heart.

Should I tell noona?


Yes but?

What if?

He flinches when the line gets connected and Yeran's voice fill his ear.

"Yah Jeon Jungkook, why did you have to do it?

Her opening statement shaken his nerves. Gripping at the device, he fidgets speaking in a defeated tone.

" N-nae?"

"Why did you have to tell Jae In about the 10:30? Gosh that's embarassing!" He sighs a relief, pulling his self up while leaning on the headboard.

"I-I can't say no to Jae In noona, I'm sorry...are you ready for tomorrow?" His heart is still pounding but he's also scared to tell the truth.

"You know I don't want to have the party right? I want a simple one with mom, dad and friends in there, with you in there,  nothing fancy coz you know I'm this thirfty laid back girl but my voice is disregarded in this particular event"

"It'll be okay, you will debut once in a life time so being their only child, it's just proper for them to prepare a grand party for you noona" a smile dances its way across his lips but soon vanished as she say...

"Jungkook, I don't want the engagement, I'm sorry but I do not want to be engaged yet" his throat gone dry exhaling slowly trying to unlatch his tangled thoughts.

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