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They're sitting by then having their lunch, the two of them  since the new trio (ChimTaeJae) gave them the air quote "space" unquote, they deserve, eating separately and by separately means Taehyung can pass some of the kimchi fried rice on Jungkook's back, that's basically a foot apart. Such good friends aren't they?

"Can you put down the phone first?"

Jungkook glances at her and murmur "just a minute"

"For the love of food, you are eating Jungkook, stop staring at it" she scolds him, hiding her pissed expression by wiping her mouth though Jungkook saw it and put down his phone immediately.

"It's Jiyoon noona, said she have to talk to me about something" he put a scoop of rice in his mouth. At a second, the metal ware hangs in his mouth after he check his phone, the buzzing vibrated on the table, thus making her bite her lips and the moment that smile creep up his lips, she stand taking her lunch box with her.

"Are you done?" He looks up by then only to see her back.

"Yeah, I'm done...with you" she walks away, catching the trio's attention.

"What is it Kook, LQ?" Jae In, asks glancing both at Taehyung and Jimin.

"I don't know, I'm just checking something on my phone" he shrugs, fixing his utensils too and soon pass the merely touched food to the next table. "I'll go see her"

"Their mood is like the change of weather, the moment it's sunny and before you knew it, you're drenched in rain tch tch, I don't mind eating extra food though" Taehyung purses his lips and eat Jungkook's food happily.

"Hey, why are you quiet since the morning?" Jimin asks Jae In, who in a matter of fact became timid for the first time.

"I'm just beginning to feel guilty about this whole thing, you don't notice this but Yeran I think is gradually falling in love with Jungkook" she keeps on stabbing her food and stare at it on her fork.

"Why sad? It simply means our mission is successful isn't it?" Jimin pays attention to her worried face and that's a first time too.

"I don't know" she wanna tell them about Woohyun but think she can handle it herself and yeah she's another toughy toughy girl case. Jimin glances at her one more time and next to the grinning Taehyung.

"Snap it Tae, why are you grinning like a dog who happened to see a bone on an empty street?" Jimin kicks his legs under the table.

"Nothing I guess, Jaemin is a thing too" he giggles stuffing his mouth with more food.

"Weirdo" Jimin groans, snatching another glance to her.


"Where are you going?" He snatches her wrist yet again and make her face him. She stares at him for a moment  but she can't handle the foreign feeling that's eating her inside,  averting her gaze away.  Maybe she's mad, I don't know the reason why she's mad. Do you?

"Far" she grumbles pulling her hand and crossing it over her chest. 

"Where is far? Is it near here" he deadpan playing ignorant and soon play his card by doing his little aegyo making Yeran roll her eyes.

"Don't talk to me idiot" she walks away without a warning resulting to another chase, with him following her around on his waggy tail.

"Hey, I didn't know that far is literally far from where we are earlier but come on stop don't be a kid and tell me what your problem is" oopsie that made our girl Yeran brush her face annoyed at how he can be dumb at times like that.

"Math Jungkook! My problem is math, I think I will surely find the value of X now without finding the Y, so please get out of my face before I can shut you out of my life!" She snaps, that in a way made Jungkook stiffen in his post.

"H-hey, don't you think it's beyond what is bound to be my punishment, I just open a text while eating, it's not even a sin, for crying out loud" his voice came out low, bothered and resigned.

"Touché young man, yeah how cool of you to say that in front of me but hey you too, it's not funny when you openly entertain that girl anymore, not when I can clearly see that a single text from her can make you smile" his mouth agape, batting his eyes open and shut, moments later his lips crack a smile at how her nose flares like a bull. Aw he thinks that it's cute.

"Okay I get it now" he said bobbing his head up and down.

"You were jealous right?!" smirking and walking forward to her personal space, he made sure she can't walk away this time.

"I AM NOT JEALOUS!" throwing her hands on the air, she steps back glancing at the people around, there are no spectators anyway, lunch time everybody is on the eating places, but of course with the exception of them.

"Yeah, and Jimin is tall" he chuckles not retracting his feet which move by the second.

"I don't care just go away, go to your Jiyoon noona and don't ever come back to me" by then they are inches apart and his hands came to hold both of her arms on her sides.

"Not gonna happen" he grins pulling her close to him "I've waited long enough for this opportunity and I will not allow it to slip out of my hands, not a chance"

"Whatever I'm not listening to you" she made unnecessary noises that got Jungkook grimace.

"Stop it, or I'll kiss you KimYeran" that made her stop, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.

"What now, afraid that I might do it for real? Aw I should thank you for walking far up to this place, you do it on purpose don't you?" He laughs out loud earning a glare from her.


"Wae, I am not doing anything.....yet" his lips tightened, smirking at her panicking eyes.

"Geez Jungkook, stop, stop, stop, this is a school not a dating place" she hollers, though she's nervous and excited at the same time.

Her eyes widen seeing his approaching face, her toes curl, she wanna protest physically but is also too struck to back away. She closes her eyes only to feel his lips landed on her nose.

"If you wanna kiss me on the lips this much, then you have to do the courting first" blinking her eyes, his words rattled inside her brain and send a shiver down her spine.

She, courting Jungkook? Aw thrilling isn't it?

#2nd installment of the bold chapters and thank you @TheDarkWinterRose for the new cover.

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