Chapter 5: A twist??

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It was 5:28 am in the morning. Ash was awaken by the trembling of someone under his arm.

Ash's POV

  It wasn't the kind of shivering when someone is cold. It was as if... she was having a nightmare. I hugged her tighter and the trembling stopped. I opened my eyes again to see her sleeping peacefully again. I smiled reprovingly and looked at her cute face and stroking her hair before falling back to sleep again. 

Serena's POV

I woke up groggily and look at where Ash was supposed to be. However to my dismay, I only saw a mess next to me. It seemed as if Ash has went for a jog. Maybe he is like that... I will need to get used to this. I looked at the time. It was 6:30 am. It seemed quite sensible for him to do his morning workout. I went to the fridge and pulled out a sandwich to eat. Maybe I'll prepare breakfast to surprise him when he gets back but I will need to go shopping first. I washed up, got changed and headed to the 24 hours convenience store that was in the high school. 

While walking through the park to the convenience store, I heard some voices. They seemed relatively familiar and realised that those voices belonged to Ash and Dawn. I went over while hidden by the bushes. 

''Hey Ash, let's hang out later''

''Nah, i'm sorry. I promised to keep Serena company after school.''

''Oh Ash, ditching your girlfriend just to keep someone else's company''

''No... I mean tha-''

''It is time for you to prove who your priority is. Me or Serena? I will be waiting for you here at 6pm to go for dinner. If you do not come by the time, I will break up with you officially.''



I saw Ash just standing there, torn between both choices. Then he called out '' Okay Dawn, I will come''

''I'll be waiting for you!''

I sank to the ground, disappointed by what Ash just said. Did he just .... left me to go to his 'girlfriend' and since when did he have one. I thought he... said he wanted to confess his feelings to me? Maybe he just wanted to say he didn't have interest in me at all. Heartbroken. That's the only word to describe my feeling. I sat on the ground, tearing up. Ash didn't like me after all. He just left me alone as his 'girlfriend' is more important to him. I just turned back to the direction I came from. I couldn't even bother to buy any ingredients to make breakfast.

I went back to the dorms, to see Ash looking very happy. ''Hello. I guess you have been out for exercise eh? Is everything alright?'' He looked my eyes. I cried and shut myself in the bathroom. I couldn't take this any longer. This is happening all over again. Just like... that time Calem dated me and cheated on me. I haven't seen him ever since because he was in a relationship with a different girl and I don't want to see that. This time although I know Ash and I are not officially in a relationship but he betrayed me.... I sobbed in a corner of the bathroom. WHY MUST THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME?????

Ash's POV

I came back to freshen up only to see that Serena wasn't in the dorm. I shrugged. I recalled what i just to Dawn just now. Did I make the right choice? Just then, I heard the door open and see Serena enter. I tried to act cool to put the matters aside.''Hello. I guess you have been out for exercise eh? Is everything alright?''. I looked into her eyes. Around those sapphire blue eyes were red veins. Her puffy eyes looked into mine before running into the bathroom and locking herself inside. I knew something was terribly wrong. I begged her to come out to talk to me but it was useless. Crying was pouring out from the bathroom. I sat on the bad, recalling what I have done. Was it because... she overheard my conversation with Dawn? 

To be continued...


Oh my... I knew you were thinking of a confession rite? But sorry nope. Muahahahahaha. If you didn't like this I can understand. So will this lead to the ending between Ash and Serena and my whole story to focus on Ash and Dawn? Who knows. But as usual, if you liked this chapter please vote for it and any suggestions, leave em in the comments. Thanks for reading, and AMOUR!!!(what a big clue)

Signing off: Benjamin

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