Chapter 12: The date...

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Serena's POV

I look out of the car window and saw Dawn and Gary kissing, which left the whole school dead silent. Taking the chance that school was quiet and shocked, Gary and Dawn ran to our car and sat in the backseat. 

Author's note

I am going to add names infront of the conversations because now there are like 4 characters at one go and I know how hectic it can get. I might even be lost as to who is talking to who. So please just forgive me this once if you are very OCD about such things.

Gary: ''Let's get outta here now!''

The school managed to regain consciousness and started running to the car

Ash: ''Alright crap I'm going''

Ash started the car and drove out of the school. Far away before reaching a mall. We got off and Ash handed his keys to the valet service.

Ash: ''You better take good care of my car. I don't want to see a single scratch on my car. You get it?''

Valet service attendant: ''Y-yes''

Me: (whispering)''That was rude!''

Ash: (chuckles) ''It is meant to scare him''

Dawn: ''Let's go''

Gary: ''Actually, you know we can go our seperate ways for now and meet up again during lunch.

Me: ''That's a good idea!''

Dawn: ''Alright so we'll meet back here at 12? which is about 2 and a half hours from now''

Ash: ''ok''

And we waved at Gary and Dawn as Dawn dragged Gary into a clothing shop. 

''What should we do?'' I looked at Ash.

''Follow me and you will know''

''ok..''But I instantly regretted this suggestion because he basically just dragged me through the food alley and I ended up watching him eat for like 1 and a half hours. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and stormed ahead.

''Hey Serena... Wait up!'' 

I ran ahead but he managed to jog up to me. I sighed. I kept running till I reached the rooftop garden, which Ash managed to follow with ease. When I reached, I was almost out of breath but I found that Ash was whistling and not panting at all.

''Aren''' I huffed

''You don't know that there are things called elevators. I just watch you run up the flight of escalators and I just took the elevator''

''THIS IS THE WORST DATE I EVER HAD!'' I screamed. Luckily, there was no one on the rooftop garden. Otherwise, I would just be embarrassing myself.

''Are you annoyed?'' Ash spoke with a smirk

''Of course! The worst date in the world! I swear!''

''Then go join Gary and Dawn''

''Fine! Come and find me once you are ready to bring me on a REAL date'' I finished, storming off once again. I half-heartedly hoped that Ash would pull me back but it never happened. sigh... He sure is dense...

I found Gary and Dawn in a stationary shop. Dawn realised that something was wrong because Ash wasn't with me

''Serena... Are you ok?'' Dawn eyed me quizzically

''Of course! Ash didn't even actually plan a date with me!'' I replied with an annoyed look. I then told then everything that happened.

''What do you know? Ash might just be hiding something he doesn't want you to know!'' Gary blurted out.

''What did you just say?'' 

''Nothing..'' Gary mumbled.

Ash wasn't at lunch and neither was he when the time reached 4pm. Gary and Dawn decided to walk back to school first. I was left walking outside the stores of the shopping mall. I smacked my own head. When was he coming? Then, someone who seemed quite familiar came over to me. 

''Why hello Serena.''

I looked carefully and realised it was Calem. Wow, he sure has gotten quite handsome. 

''W-why hello.'' 

''Has Ash ditched you?''

I sighed. ''Well it sure looks like it.''

''Actually Serena, I...''


''I love you. But I decided that if I still kept my old self on, you would of course say no. So, I decided to get myself a fresh and new look.''

I couldn't help to stare at his stunning body. I was just focused on him.

''Well, seeing that Ash is such a horrible boyfriend, I was wondering if you will forget the past, dump him and go for me instead?''

I looked at him. The thoughts of Ash flashed past infront of me. I had spent so much time kissing him, would I be betraying him? But I guess Ash isn't the perfect boyfriend. Hmm..

I ended walking out of the mall with Calem holding me by the waist. Then just as both of us turned out of the mall, I came face to face with Ash. Our faces just inches away. But Ash took a step back. He looked at Calem and pulled his cap to cover his face. He then ran away. I was sure that I heard a sob when he ran away. It wasn't the childish sob that I had heard before. It was... a mature and heartbroken sob...

Calem walked me back to the dorms but just as we were walking to the dorms, we were greeted by almost a whole school. But this was I heard only.

 ''WELCOME BACK, A-'' but everyone got quiet and looked at Calem. There whole school was talking the same speech at the same time.

''Did..they break up''


''They were having so much fun this morning. They were even kissing passionately this morning.'' 

The crowd shook their head in unison.

''Now she's with this boy.''

''I wonder what is his name?''

Calem looked around and took a deep breath. ''I am Calem, and I will be Serena's boyfriend''

The crowd looked at one another and sighed. 

''What a pity. He told us to plan this.''

My ears perked up. I looked around ''Plan what?''

''Nothing now that this doesn't work'' they said together and the crowd dispersed. 

I shrugged my shoulders before I heard a voice. 

''Serena Yvonne, meet me in the principal's office''

I gulped.

To be continued...

Heh Heh cliff hanger. And stop firing your guns at me. I know the relationship was about to go but pffffffttttttt. It goes downhill. Muahahahahaha! Thx for reading. Vote if you liked this chapter. Comment for any suggestions and of course... Keep the shipping going!

Signing off: Benjamin

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