Chapter 15: The surprise?

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Serena's POV

I woke up shivering in cold. I sprang up. This lingerie isn't helping at all. The coldness of the air conditioning is causing me to freeze. I looked to my left and tried to grab Ash for warmth but...he wasn't there? Where is he? There was only his jacket there with a note

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time, it was 4am in the morning. Where the heck is he? I picked up Ash's jacket and the note. I took a smell of the jacket. Ahhh.. the smell of the shampoo he uses... Then I turned back to the note. It said:

Dearest Sere, 

I am off to the airport because I need to return to the Kanto region. I will only be gone for one week, so remember to keep safe. Oh, also my jacket. Please take good care of it. Seeing that you might not make it through the night without me, I guess my jacket can keep you warm for now. I am so sorry if this was such a short notice. 

Your love, 


p.s. I left something in the fridge, go find it.

What?! He left me alone without telling me anything?! That jerk Ash! Sigh.. I guess he really have some serious business to do at his home. Anyways, he said he left me something in the fridge. I walked over and opened the fridge. I found a chocolate cake in it. Oh My Arceus! CHOCOLATE! My favourite! I looked at the cake again, it had a arrow shaped candle in the middle it. I took teh cake out and got a knife. Then, I sat on the table staring at the cake. Hmmm? What does that arrow even mean? I cut a slice of the cake to eat and saw a note in it. Eh? A note? I opened it and saw Ash's handwriting.

Dearest Sere,

You'd think I left you without giving you a gift? Well, here is a 'one week farewell' gift. I hoped you like it. Also, don't mind wiping your mouth when you finish your cake because this gift isn't over yet! You will need chocolate on your mouth for the next part of the gift so you better not wipe it off! You may finish the cake if you like it. But as always, if you would like to savor it slowly, don't finish it! Anyways, just present yourself with chocolate all over your mouth at the swimming pool on the second level. Also, wear my jacket when you are going down. You don't want people staring at you with lingerie.

Your love,


I blinked at the note. Leave chocolate all over your mouth after you finish your cake? Go to the swimming pool at the second level? Since when was there a swimming pool at the dorms? The gift isn't over yet? I shook the thoughts and gobbled down half of the cake. Honestly speaking, I like the cake not because I love chocolate but because I could taste the hardwork of Ash. Remind me sometime to make Poke puffs for him. He had liked it so much! 

Anyways, I finished half of the cake and wore Ash's jacket. I looked into the mirror. I sure looked like him about 7 years ago... (pokemon xyz episode 22) but only with chocolate all over my face. I sighed. Chocolate all over my face? For what? I still don't get it. 

??? POV

''She sure is taking her time..''

''I pity that you have such a girlfriend''

''Honestly, she may be slow but she's still my cute Ms Perfect''

''That's so cringy''

''Meh. Shhh.. she's here''

Serena's POV

I reached the gates of the swimming pool. Somehow, the gate mysteriously opened. I walked in and the gate shut behind me. 

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