Chapter 4: Rescue

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Check the video!! It's quite touching...(in my opinion). All rights to PokemonRangerBoy12. I will leave his channel link in the a/n at the end of the chapter.

Please note: I have been given feedback by countless members of the community that this chapter is exceptionally disturbing. Please proceed with your own caution. Advised following content for 16 years and above.

Ash jerked up from his sleep. He just had a dream about Serena getting kidnapped. He looked next to him where Serena is supposed to be, expecting her to be sleeping peacefully. However, she wasn't sleeping next to him. He glanced at the clock. It was already 11:46 pm (don't ask me why).

That's strange... Ash thought to himself.

He decided to check the place where he had dreamt about Serena getting kidnapped. He recked all his brain power to recall, but he couldn't do it.

''Arghhh!!'' Ash screamed in frustration.

He sent out Jirachi. Jirachi was a gift given by him by Arceus. Arceus gave ash the gift as he believed that it will come to good use someday.

Jirachi looked at him confused.

''Jirachi please use psychic on my brain'' Ash ordered.

Jirachi obeyed and use psychic on Ash's brain. With the help of Jirachi, he managed to locate the place and sprinted off.

Meanwhile with Serena... (Serena's POV) I was squirming about in the potato sack that they have covered my face with, as well as the rope that they have used to bind my hands and legs with. When they removed the sack, I came face to face with a girl with blue (crazy) hair. I think her name was Miette? I also saw a orange hair girl with a togepy in her arms. I think that is... Misty? Next to them were two guys: Tierno and Trevor. I could confirm that as no one else in the class has those body size.

''Heh heh heh.... Serena... we meet again...'' Misty spoke.

I gulped.

''You know Ash doesn't belong to you. He needs someone more worthier than you. For example, Misty and I are compatible for ash.''

I tried to protest but my mouth was gagged up.

''But don't worry, I know this means that it is the end of your first relationship. But I got that covered for you.'' a raspy voice spoke as the person appeared from the shadows. I am guessing that I didn't noticed him from the start as the alley that they have brought me to was very dark.

''Why hello my daughter... Please remove the gag. We want to treat our guest really good, don't we.'' Miette pulled out the gag forcefully which made my teeth almost drop out.

''What do you mean by daughter! The only person who calls me that is only my mum!'' I screamed at him.

''Oh mummy's girl. I am glad to hear that Grace has been taking care of you really well. Look at you... How pretty are you, simple yet not out of style.'' Upon finishing his sentence the man caressed my face which made my tremble.

''Who are you! And if you continue doing that I will call the police!'' I shouted, apparently flustered.

''Oh firstly, no one can hear you as everyone is already in bed and the dorms are on the opposite end of the school. Secondly, the police never ever checks this area as they think there is a ghost lurking in this corner of the school when it is actually me. Muahhahaha.'' He let out a evilish laugh. ''Thirdly, I am your real father. My name is David Yvonne. Your mum divorced with me because I have been sexually mistreating you since 3 years old. Your mum found out only when you were 7. She was mad at me. However, since you had no idea what was going on and your mum wants you to forget everything, she sent you to a summer camp by that Oak. Your mum then divorced with me while you were away. Sigh.. How I miss the nights that I had fun. But now, I can finally do it again. Muahahahaahha.'' He let out his evilish laugh again which sent a chill down my spine.

''But today, I won't be mistreating you. It shall be your friends. It is thanks to your friends that they joined forces with me. I have came up with a name for our... organisation. It shall be called the torture club. We shall... torture you every night from today onwards. Hahahahahaha.'' He finished, gesturing Tierno and Trevor to my body. A huge smile crept across their faces. I slowly backed up, but stumbled over. Tierno and Trevor pulled me up roughly.

''Think you can run eh?'' Tierno whispered. They pinned me against a wall. They ripped apart my dress. At that moment, I thought it will be the end of my life as their hands reached out to my chest. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping for some sort of help. Oh Arceus please help me....

Just then I heard the swoosh of two shurikens which knocked Tierno and Trevor back. The five people turned to looked at where the force came from. My eyes brightened at the sight of the person.

It was Ash.

''Leave her alone!'' He called out.

''Oh yeah?''David said in a meancing tone while stomping over to ash.

''Jirachi use psybeam on David, Greninja use water shuriken on Tierno and Trevor and Pikachu use thunderbolt on Miette and Misty.'' The moves collided with the different groups of people, knocking them back and creating smoke. I heard lots of cursing.

Then I felt someone grab me bridal style and he shouted ''Greninja smokescreen and let's get out of here!''

We were runnng down the corridors and that was when the person put me down. That was when I realised that it was Ash who picked me up. I blushed greatly but Ash didn't seem to notice it. He took off his jacket and handed it to me.

''Put it on.'' He said, turning away. I smiled as I put his jacket on. Then I turned back to him and we started walking back to the dorms. While walking, I couldn't help to hold his hands, which held him in surprise. I gripped his hand tighter and he returned by doing the same. I could feel the warmth all over me although I was holding only his hands. He just merely looked at me and smiled warmly.

Once we reached our dorms, I went to take a shower and got changed and saw Ash reading a megazine on the bed.

''Umm.. Thanks...'' I mumbled. He didn't respond at all but I swear I saw the end of his lips turn into a smile. I tucked under the blankets and pretended to be sleeping to see what he was actually planning.

Ash's POV I sighed and looked at Serena sleeping peacefully. I put away the magazine and turned off the lights. ''Man, she's cute when she sleeps.'' I said softly, stroking her honey blonde hair. ''Honestly, I wonder when should I confess my feelings for her... Meh. That can come later.'' I said, kissing Serena's forehead before turning in and placing my arm over her body. She's soft too...

Serena's POV Oh my god!!! I screamed in my head. He just said he wanted to confess his feelings to me! He kissed my forehead! He even place his arm over me!!! I am going crazy! Serena clam down! Wow he is warm... I snuggled tighter under Ash's warmth....

To be continued....


Well there you go, Chapter 4. Whew.. How I enjoy writing this(not the perv part). If you enjoyed reading this as much as I do enjoy writing this, vote and comment if you have any suggestions for me. I will be leaving the link to the video the channel here. As always, thanks for reading! Amour!

Signing off: Benjamin

Visit and follow me at: S17benjamin

Link to the video:

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