Chapter 2

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Becky's POV
I walk down stairs already thinking of caffeinated tea. I cannot live without it. It's my bae basically.
"Good morning." I said to Rocky as she can into the kitchen.
"Want some coffee?" She says walking to the coffee mugs. 
"No thanks I'll stick to my tea."
"How the hell do you not need coffee in the morning!"
"Whatever I have class at 10:00. I need to shower."
I hear a knock on the door as I make my way to the stairs.
"I swear if it's those two FBI guys I'm gonna kick both their asses like I would to a demon." Rocky is my best friend and she didn't do anything wrong. I open the door I was so irritated that the words just came out of my mouth.
When I opened the door I saw one of the FBI guys.
"Geez. I just wanted to know I would want to go see a movie sometime."
"Oh, no thanks."

Dean's POV
I couldn't stop replaying scene at Becky's house in my mind. 
"Dude. Are you ok?" Sam says smirking.
"What yeah. I'm fine." I say looking down at my food barley eating any. That's rare. Man this girl has really got me. I mean how could she not want this!
"Um... ok, apparently there was this murder where a couples throats were slits but there were no fingerprints or weapons. Both dead. And the house is clean."
"You thinking a spirit?"
"Should we check the place out?"
We walk in the house and found a empty house and you won't believe who we see.
"YOU! Wait you!?"
"Uh?" She says turning around. Looking up from the gun in her hands aiming for something.
"BECKY!" Sam says.
"Why is that so hard to believe? Because I'm a girl?" She says placing her gun on the table right next to her.
"Wow, I mean wow!" I say louder that I meant to. Sam and Becky look at me all sassy, Sam's smirking.
Sam gives me that someone's got a little crush look.
"Oh boy." Sam says on the verge of laughing.
"Can we just look for something in this messed up house!?" We look around for about a half an hour and found nothing, despite the awkwardness in the room.

Becky's POV
Crap that was the definition of awkward. I head back to the house.
I lay down in bed. I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning. Huh there hunters. You know Dean seems a lot more appealing to me know. You know if they would have just told me that they were hunters they wouldn't have found out about me! Wait that a really stupid thing to think. I have to call Dean.

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