Chapter 13

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Sam's POV
I wake up to the sound of a knock on the door.
''Room service.''
''Come back later,'' I say falling back onto my pillow.
I get up and walk over to the coffee machine and pour myself a cup. I turn around I look at the clock in amazement. It's 10:00 am I think that's the latest I've woken up since I became a hunter. But I do need to get going to that farm where the murder was.

I arrive that the barn 20 minutes later. I park on the street across from the house, it seems like they are some pretty rich farm owners. I can't help but stare and think of some remark that Dean would probably make right now. It's a big mansion basically, the doors are huge wooden doors and lining the property is a row of different varieties of trees. I knock on the door.  A short, woman dressed in work clothes opens the door.  
"What can I do for you?'' she asks
''Hi, I'm Agent Aguilera. I'm investigating the murder of Bill Manning.''
''One of you is already here, in the kitchen, talking to his wife.'' she moves aside and I step in and make my way to the kitchen. I see a rather short man standing there in a suit that is probably two sizes too big for him. He turns around and walks over to me.
''Boy am I glad to see you!'' he says going right in for the hug. ''Wheres Dean, your partner in crime?'' he says lowering his voice.
''He couldn't come this time.'' I saw as we walk over to Bills wife. ''I'm sorry for your loss and I know you probably have had to go through this many times but we just have a few questions.''
''I completely understand,'' she says looking down at the counter.
"Mrs. Manning, did your husband have any enemies?" I ask
"Of course not! Bill was an angel! He donated $1,500  to a charity every year." She says surprised that I even asked.
"What charity?" Garth asks.
"The Manning Hotel."
"He donated money to his own hotel?" I ask surprised.
"No his brother's. Should I give you the address?"
"That would me lovely ma'am," Garth says.
We leave the house and walk out to my car...
''Need a ride?'' I ask pulling the keys out of my pocket.
''I'm good, but thanks,'' Garth says pulling out his keys and walking over to a motorcycle.
"You have a motorcycle?!"
"How els am I supposed to garth people?"
"Never mind." I say getting into my car.

Becky's POV
I just finished getting ready for work, it's 10:30 and I don't have work until 12:00 so I can chill for a little bit. I decide to call Dean, Rocky is out and it would be nice to spend some quality time with him that's not hunting. There's a knock at my door.
"It's open!" I yell staring at the fridge blankly. I hear the door open and close.
"Hey. How it going?" Dean says.
"Eh, I'm hungry but I can't find anything to eat."
There's a pause. I still haven't closed the fridge.
"Wow, those are some major first world problems."
"Haha." I say closing the fridge and turning towards Dean. Whenever I see Dean I just feel happy and it's nice that I don't need to have a secret identity with him. "Where's Sam?" I ask.
"Vermont, I talked to him this morning, he's fine. As usual, unless he's lying." Dean says walking over to the sofa and sitting down.
"Cool." We're still in the awkward state of a relationship, one time when he came over we did say anything to each other for 2 hours, so the whole time.
"How come you didn't go?"
"Well, he said that he wanted to do this on his own, and I like it here with you," he says as I walk over to him.

Dean's POV
I've never been in a relationship like this before. I get so nervous around her. I don't know what to do so I pull her closer to me so our lips are almost touching. She leans in.  I move my hands to her waist and her arms are now around my neck.
"Ahem." I hear someone say. When we pull away from each other Becky pulls out her gun.
"Hey hey hey! Put the gun down. He's with me,"
Becky drops the gun on the coffee table in front of us. "Cas meet Becky, Becky this is Cas ... my angel friend,"
"Angel? Please if angels existed than a lot more prayers would have been answered,"
"No time to talk. We need to go to the bunker. It was nice meeting you Becky but we have to go,"
"You have a bunker!"
"Maybe, come with me, we haven't worked a Cas in a while,"
"I have work at 12 and I need money," Becky says seriously.
"Call in sick," I say holding out my hand.
"Wha-" before Becky can finish we are standing in the library of the bunker, Becky looks around in amazement.
"Cas why are we here?"
"Your bunker is haunted." Cas say turning towards my and Becky our fingers still intertwined.

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