Chapter 7

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Sam's POV
"Um... Dean?" I ask. "My date with Adeline is in 1 hour.
"Well I was hoping that you would let me stay here." I say standing up and walking to where Becky and Dean were starting. They look at each other and nod.
"I can't do this without you."
"You have Becky, she's a hunter."
"You think I'm gonna let Becky come hunting with me!?"
"It's only a ghost." I say looking down
"It's only a ghost?!" Dean says mad
"Um... Dean, Sam is right. It's only a ghost. I can handle it." Becky says. Dean rolls his eyes and walks towards Becky and when they get to the door he turns around and says...
"Jerk." With that he walks through the motel door with his arm wrapped around Becky's waist.

Dean's POV
I could tell Sam really wanted to go on a date with Adeline. And it would be nice to have some more alone time with Becky. I have a feeling that it might work.

Adeline's POV
I was face timing with my mom, we have grown closer when I moved out.
"So! What's his name?!"
"Sam..." I say feeling my cheeks turning red.
"What does he look like? Is he handsome? What do his lips taste like?!"
"Mom!" I say laughing. "How's this I say placing my phone on the counter and stepping back to show her my outfit. I was wearing grey leggings and a black high waisted skirt with a white long sleeved cropped top.
"Love, you look amazing! Your growing up so fast. When are you gonna visit? I miss you!"
"I know I miss you two! Soon I promise." I hear a knock on the door. "That's him I have to go!"
"Love you!"
"Love you too" I say with my hand on the door knob. I opened the door and saw Sam standing there tall and with a smile.
"You ready?"
"Yeah... let me just grab my jacket." I pulled my jean jacket on the hanger and we walked out the door.
"So where are we going?"
"A diner" We walk in a diner with 4 other people sitting in a group.
"Just you two tonight?"
"Yep." I say looking at the lady on the verge of laughing. She had the worst bob haircut. I looked at Sam and I could tell he was trying not to laugh. She sat us at our table and placed menus in front of each of us. We talked about how I want to go to NYU for photography and how he was raised a hunter and all the things he has hunted. We ordered and it was surprisingly good. I got a veggie burger and Sam got a cobb salad. We got to talking about it families and why I moved out. We were there for a lot longer that I thought. We left and as soon as we walked out the door we started laughing because of the horrible bob on that waiter.
"Oh man!" I say out of breath from laughing so much.
"Come on I'll take you home." He says placing his hand on my waist sending shivers down my back. We make it to my apartment and I walking in letting Sam in with me.
"Do you want to stay for a little while? I have cards."
"Sure, what should we play?" He says walking over to the sofa.
"What's that?"
"It's a game that me and my sister used to play." I say looking down and the cards in my hands. Sam stands up and pulls me in for a hug. I feel safe like nothing can hurt me. When he pulls away a wipe the tears before he can see.
"Come on, teach me how to play." He says with concern in his voice. We plays for what felt like 5 minuets but was actually 1 hour.

Next thing I know I wake up in my bed in my pjs and I see Sam sleeping on the sofa. I get up trying not to wake him up and I make some coffee. When I turn around to get the coffee cups and find Sam squirming on the sofa, that looks so uncomfortable.
When the coffee is ready a pour Sam a cup. I walk over to Sam and find him half awake. He was rubbing his eyes.
"Good morning." I say handing him the cup.
"Good morning." He says getting up. "How did you sleep?"
"Good, how about you?"
"Good. I hope you don't mind, I didn't think you would want to sleep in your clothes that you wore yesterday."
I laugh. "It's ok. I had fun last night." I say. My coffee needs more sugar. I walk to the cabinet and get the sugar.
"How's the coffee?"
Are you ok? You sound like a broken record. I think to myself. I feel warm hands wrapped around me.
"I'm sorry. I had a lot of fun last night I just haven't felt this way in a long time." I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. He leans in to kiss me but I pull away.
"Come on help me clean up? This place is a mess."

Sam's POV
I walk up to Adeline's sofa and start folding a blanket when a pillow hits my head.
"Oops." She says laughing. I run over to her and she collapsed on the bed. We laughed and sat up, I couldn't help it. I kissed her.

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