Chapter 16

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Rocky's POV
When I open the door I roll my eyes and slam the door. NO.
I walk into the kitchen and I get a glass of water.
Suddenly the door opens, "Sure! Come on in why don't you!'' I say sarcastically
"Thanks,'' Ruby says, "I have something to say,"
"Yes," she takes a deep breath, "OK, it's not my fault that I killed your brother,''
''Get out, I think you can find the door,'' I say gesturing the to the door.
"It was Crowley, the king of hell, it was an order,''
"What! Why would the king of hell want my brother dead?''
''I'm sorry, I thought you knew, your brother made a deal with a demon, the hellhounds were on vacation. So I had to kill him.''
''Why would he make a deal with a demon?''
''Only, Crowley knows of those things,'' Ruby walks over to me and grabs me by the waist.
''What are you doing?'' I ask pushing her off me.
''I thought once I apologized everything would be ok,''
''You're gonna have to try harder than that,'' I say backing away from her ''I think you should go.''

Sam's POV [The next morning]
I wake up to the sound of Shake it off by Taylor Swift.
''What is that?'' I ask jerking up
''Taylor Swift, don't hate,'' Dean says, ''Come on we got a ghost to sit around and wait for,'' he says pulling the covers off of me.
Dean and I walk into the library and I pour myself a cup of coffee.
"So how's it going with Beck?" I ask Dean.
"Good,"he says grinning.
"Morning," Becky says walking in the room and over to the cabinet to get a cup of coffee.
She sits down next to Dean. "Where's Addie?"
"Addie?" I ask sipping my coffee
"Yeah, it's her nickname, everyone at school called her that,"
"Oh, sleeping, I think," I say 
"Is it hot in here?" Dean asks
Cas walks in the room, holding fire. "Sorry,"
"Cas..." I say as my hear falls into my hand
"Cas what are you doing here?" Dean asks
"Well, I came to help you get rid of the ghost that is haunting your bunker." Cas says walking in Dean direction.
"No offense, but how is an angel going to help us?" Becky asks sarcastically.
"I can help research," he says standing taller.
"I'm going to go get Adeline up," I say standing up.

Cases POV
Who does this Becky think she is? Taking dean from me!  Angels can research. But Dean is happy, and it is my duty to make sure that it stays that way.
I am an angel of the lord after all. Humans are weird.

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