Chapter 17

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Adeline's POV
I awake to the sound of a soft knock at my door.
"Morning," Sam says walking in my room. I sit up and run my eyes.
"Morning, what time is it," I ask grumpily.
"Coffee?" Sam asks sitting down on my bed and holding out a cup of coffee.
"Thanks," I say smiling at Sam, completely forgetting the fact that he didn't answer my question. As he hands me the coffee his hands brush mine. I feel my cheeks burn up, I look down trying to hide the fact that I'm blushing.
Sam places a hand on my cheek. "I'm really glad that you're here,"
"Me too," I sip my coffee and grin.
He kisses me on the four head. "You coming out, we're in the library,"
"Yeah I'm just going to get ready, I'll be out soon," I say as I place the coffee on the wooden side table.
"Ok," Sam gets up and walks out the door.
I clean up and make my way to the library with an empty cup of coffee.
"Hi," Dean says looking up from a stack of papers.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" I ask walking over to the counter to pour myself another cup of coffee
"Documents of dead men of letters,"
"Den, they're all dead," Cas says
"Well..." Dean says
I silently laugh.
"I need to tell you all something," Cas says breaking the silence in the room.
I turn around and I lean back on the counter. Sam turns around and looks at me, I shrug.
"What are you talking about Cas?" Dean asks his voice agitated.
"Well first off, there is no ghost," Cas says standing at the head of the table looking down.
"Then why are we here,"Sam says standing up.
"Crowley is in your dungeon...thing" he says looking at Becky.
"Who is Crowley?" I ask.
They all turn and look at me.  "The king of hell," they say at the same time.
"He's going to tell us how to break a demon deal,"
"Sam," Dean asks
"No, you?" He asks
Sam turns back to me, "I don't even know how to make a demon deal," I say.
Dean looks at Becky. "When were you going to tell me," Dean says his voice more urgent and you could tell that he was mad.
She looks at him. "I wasn't,"
Sorry for the short chapter...

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