Chapter 6

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Becky's POV
Wow. I'm going on a date with Dean Winchester! I don't think I've ever need so excited to go on a date. And he's a hunter.
"So are you excited," Rocky says coming into the living room. "To go on a date with a hunter?"
I know, I probably shouldn't have told her who he is but I can't keep this kind of secret from a fellow hunter.
"I would say so." I say grinning from ear to ear.
"Come on." Becky says pulling me off the sofa.
"We're picking an outfit for you!"
"But my date isn't until 5!"
"Yeah, look at the time." I look over at Rocky then the clock. It's 4:00.

Rocky's POV
I'm happy for her, I mean she my best friend. But I would like a little love for myself. I get it I'm gay but there have to be some gay hunters out there right? I finish getting Becky ready and we hear a knock on the door. I look at Becky and she looks at me with excitement.

Sam's POV
"How's this?" Dean asks looking down at his outfit.
"I don't know.Where are you taking her?"
"Um... A picnic." Dean says looking at me.
"I didn't know you were a romantic." I say laughing.
"I should probably go."
"Yeah yeah."
"Hey, thanks for letting me do this, and for working on the case."
"Of course."

Dean's POV
I knock on the door and Becky is standing in front of me she has skinny jeans and Captain America shield crop top, she was beautiful.
"Ready?" She says snapping me out of it.
"What um...yeah. Let's go." We walked to the park where no one was around. I had a picnic all laid out and all the food was still in the basket so the food was safe from the bugs. I can't believe Becky's a hunter.
"Wow, this is beautiful." She says looking at me.
"Well you know, I've had practice." I say trying to impress her.
"Really? You being a hunter? You must date some strange people." She says laughing as she sits down looking up at me. "So, what the craziest thing you've hunted?"
"Wow, that's a hard one." I say thinking. "Probably the rabbit foot. It was mostly hilarious. Sam got bad luck." Becky just laughs.
"Ok, my turn. Ask me something. Anything."
"Have you ever gotten ghost sickness?"
"No, why?"
"It's not fun." We talk about hunter and also every day things. Now and then would crack some jokes to make her laugh, she has a beautiful laugh. We ate all the food and both had a case to work on. The same one actually.
"Hey do you want to come back to the motel and work on the case with me and Sam?"
Once all the stuff is packed up we walk back to the motel and find Sam I invested in her computer.
He looks up "I found it."

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