Chapter 10

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Adeline's POV
"Peter? What are you doing here?"
"What? You didn't miss me?" Peter says placing a hand through my hair.
"Get off me!" I say slapping his hand down.
"Adeline...don't tell me you forgot all of the good moments we had together."
"Adeline who is that?" Sam asks me.
"Well... why don't you figure this out." Dean says.
"Yeah. We'll get out of your hair." And with that Ruby, Becky, Dean and Rocky leave. So much for a game night.
"This is..."
"I'M Peter! Adeline's ex. Man would she do anything to keep one little secret."
"What is he talking about Adeline?"
"Nothing. It's not important."I say looking down.
"Oh poor Adeline doesn't want her boyfriend to find out about her past." Peter says with a pouty face.
"Listen, whatever happened with you two in the past, I don't care."
"Oh look at that. Sammy's being all cute."
"Get the hell out. Now." Sam says pulling out a gun.
"You brought a gun! Sam!" I say, panicked.
"Get out or I shoot." Sam is furious.
"Sheesh. Don't think I won't be back." Peter says turning around. He slams the door and Sam puts his gun in his pocket.
"What the hell Sam!"
He reaches out for me. I push him away and back into a wall. He puts his hands up in surrender. "Look, I'm sorry, I just have the need to protect you."
"Yeah ok. Great excuse. You know you need to work on letting go. You-you can't just come to a party with a-a gun. What if someone invites you to a wedding?, is your first instinct : oh this seems like a good night to bring a gun." I'm pacing. I pace when I get stressed and I get stressed when I ramble.  I'm rambling.

Sam's POV
"Hey, hey, hey. It's gonna be ok. I'm sorry." I say placing my hands on her shoulders. She takes some deep breaths and finally makes eye contact with me.
"I'm just scared, this is your life, hunting. I don't want to be the reason you quit."
"We'll figure it out."
"I have popcorn in the cabinets... do you want to stay for a movie?" She says shyly.
"Sure." Adeline gets the popcorn and puts it in the microwave. I go towards her bed and grab a blanket. After 2 minuets she comes over with a bowl of popcorn and we sit down on her sofa. I wrap my arm around her and she rest her head on my shoulder as she scrolls through the channels on her TV.

Adeline's POV
I felt safe with him. I was happy. We laugh through really crappy reality TV and tell stories about our childhood. It's nice.
"Adeline what was Peter talking about earlier?" I look for a excuse. My eyes find the clock.
"It's really late you should go."
"Adeline it's 9:30. No lies, remember."
"It's embarrassing." Sam looks at me with an angry look but also sincerely. "He knew one of my secrets and he threatened to tell everyone at school. He said that if  I didn't do what he told me to he would tell. We dated and I grew careless and I started drinking, a lot. I tried to resist but he didn't care. He cheated on me and he wouldn't let me brake up with him. Then he got abusive. And it wasn't any better with my mom telling me that it was my fault the Katie died (Adeline's sister). So I bought a train ticket and left." Through all of it I was looking down. I couldn't look at him without breaking down. I feel a warm hand on my shoulder.
"It's not your fault. People just die."
"But it's not when your sister is burning on your ceiling! That's not normal!" I say standing up backing away from him.
"I know how you feel."
"Oh you do?!"
"My mom died the same way..." Sam says sitting down.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know." I say sitting down next to him. There was a silence for what seemed like forever. I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him aiming to comfort him.
"Come on," Sam says after we let go of each other "I'll make us some more popcorn." He says standing up.
"Wait Sam." I say getting up, our faces inches away from each other. "Really I'm sorry."
"Yeah me too." Sam says looking down.

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