Chapter 33

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Sam's POV
The whole way back to the motel I tried to comfort her by asking her if she wanted to talk about and telling her it would all be okay but she was silent the whole time. We pulled into the motel parking lot and I immediately brought her into a hug when we got out of the car. She sobbed into my shoulder and I think we stood there for around 15 minuets.
"Come on, Dean is probably bored out of his mind. Let's go back up to the room," I say placing my hands on her cheeks and lifting her head up so she's looking at me.
"Yeah," she pulls me back in for one last hug and then we walk up to the room.
When we get to the room we find Dean asleep on a bed. We walk in and I slam the door waking him up.
He jerks up and says: "that was fast, how did it go,"
Adeline scoffs and she starts pacing as I make my way to the coffee table.
"That bad huh," Dean says.
"I need to kill or burn something, did you figure out which ghost is possessing people," Adeline says looking down at her hands, still pacing.
"Well you see, I did, but I already burned the bones so we don't have a case in Lima, Ohio anymore," Dean says regret in his voice.
"Oh, ok," she says taking a deep breath and sitting at the table with me. "So were going back to the bunker,"
"I guess," he says. I decided to stay quiet because I know there's nothing I can say to calm her down.
She lifts up her arms. "Well that's just great!"
"What did this guy do anyways,"
"Nothing it doesn't matter," she gets up. "Can we just leave? I want to get as far away as I can from him,"
"Um yeah, let's go," I say. We all pack up and get in the car to head back to the bunker.
We pulled into the garage and I had to wake up Adeline who was sleeping in my lap.
"Hey Adeline, we're here," I say shaking her shoulder.
"No, five more minutes," she says nuzzling her head into my stomach. I chuckle and she makes me carry her out of the car. Dean is standing in the library looking at an open book. He rolls his eyes as I put Adeline down when all of the sudden there's a crashing noise from the kitchen.

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