Chapter 34

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Dean's POV
We run in the direction of the sound. I was frozen in my tracks. I expect to see a vampire or Cas. Sam coughs braking the couple up. They look at up and Rocky has dark lipstick smudged all around her lips.
"You do realize your making out in the place we're we make the food we eat," Adeline says lowering her hands holding a gun.
"How are you here," Sam says asking Ruby realizing she was a demon.
"I don't know," She says now Ruby and Rocky standing up straight.
"Who cares how she's here!" I say changing the subject. "How did you get in here,"
"Well..." Rocky starts but I cut her off.
"How did you find the bunker in the first place," I say confused and irritated that our bunker isn't as awesome as I thought.
"I can't tell you that," Rocky grins and walks past us out of the kitchen towards the library.
We all walk in the library. "Why not," Sam says.
"Cause, if I told you I wouldn't be as awesomely mysterious," she says chuckling and leaning in the table.
"Ok, but why are you here," Adeline says looking at
Rocky and Ruby like they were aliens.
"We came to help you look for Becky," Ruby said.
"I thought you said Becky didn't want to to be found," Adeline said.
"She's been gone..." I cut her off.
"Wait wait, you talked to Adeline but not Becky's boyfriend about this." I said a little irritated. I look at Adeline and he just shrugs.
Sam claps his hands in front of him. "Well, why don't we get started," he says. We all sit down at the tables and when we realize we have nothing on Becky to look at Adeline's phone rings.
Adeline's POV
It was Becky. I looked up from my phone in Rockys direction when I started to get out of my chair to go to the other room I was held down by Sam and Dean's grip. I grin and say: "Hi, B-Bert,"
Becky says "Bert? Who's Bert," there's a pause then she says. "Oh," we came up with this code where if I was being held captive by Sam and Dean I would be able to talk to her in front of them.
"How are you," I say concerned and relieved. My arms were aching from the strong grip holding me down I squirm a little to let them now I wasn't gonna go anywhere if they let go. They didn't.
"I'm good, I think I'm ready to come back," I could hear the smile in her voice.
"Oh that's great!" I say making Rocky smile. Ruby Sam and dean are a little confused. I look at Dean and he still has a straight face.
"Where are you," We say at the same time.
"I'm in Lima, Ohio,"
"Know way! I was just there!" I say looking at Sam he grins and finally loosens his grip on me. "I'm home,"
"Your in New York," he says confused.
"No, I'm home," I say lowering my voice.
"Oh, well okay," she takes a deep breath. "Don't tell Dean if he doesn't figure it out, I want to surprise him,"
"Ok, I promise," I say smiling.
"Ok, well I'll see you soon,"
"Ok, bye," I hang up and I am finally able to move.
"Hows Bert," Dean says.
"Heh," I say forcing a smile.
"Good," I get up and I walk backwards to the map room. "Is anyone else hot in here," I say all of them looking at me like I'm a crazy person.
Authors Note:
Sorry for the bad chapter the next one will be better.

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