Chpater 18

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Dean's POV
I was furious, how could she not tell me something like this? When I look in her eyes I can tell she's sorry but that doesn't make it ok.
I look to Cas, "There is no way to undo a demon deal," I look back to Becky. "How long do you have?" I ask her
"Two weeks," she says looking down. Sam,
Adeline and Cas are quiet.
"There has to be a way," Adeline says
"Let's start looking," I say.
"I'll go talk to Crowley," Sam says
Cas vanishes. I love how helpful he is. 
"How can I help," Adeline asks. Walking towards the table in the middle of the room.
Becky is still quiet. I turn around and grab all the books I can find on demon deals.
"You can look through these," I place a pile of 10 books with around 5,000 pages in each of them.
"Thanks," she says hesitant. Becky gets up and walks out the room without saying a word. I follow her out of the room and into her room.
"Becky, talk to me. This isn't going to go away by doing nothing."
She spins around and her arms go up. "That's the thing this won't go away!" She sits down on her bed. When I look at she I can see the regret in her eyes. I sit down next to her and I reach for her hand. Her hands are ice cold and her face is pale.
"Why did you make the deal," I ask. She looks up at me her eyes fill up with tears.
"My mom was sick, really sick. The doctors said she was going to die from the tumor in her brain. My dad died on a case. He was a hunter." She wipes her eyes. "I made a deal with a demon to cure my mom cancer 10 years ago. It was stupid, she died a month later in a car accident,"
"I'm sorry about your mom," I say as I tighten my grip on her hands. I bring her face closer to mine. Our lips are touching moments later.

Becky's POV
His lips were warm as they kissed mine. For a moment it felt like I never made the demon deal in the first place. I don't want to die.

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