Chapter 19

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13 Days Later Narrators POV
Sam and Adeline have never been so happy. Cas keeps showing up out of the blue but once he was gone for 5 days. Dean and Becky have been researching nonstop.

Sam's POV (3pm)
Dean keeps bringing up the idea of him making a deal with a demon to take his soul and not Becky's whenever she's not in the room. I keep telling him that it won't do any good and that either way someone is going to die. Crowley keeps saying that there is no way to break a demon deal and even if he wants to break the deal he wouldn't be able to. When I walk in the library I find Adeline asleep with her head in a pile of books and a half eaten sandwich next to her. I shake her awake. "Hey,"
She jerks and groans. "Hi,"
"Find anything?" I ask grabbing the plate from next to her and throwing out the sandwich.
She frowns. "No,"
"Oh, where are Dean and Becky," I ask
"They went to bed together around 11 last night,"
Dean walks in the room moments later.
"Coffee?" I ask getting up and pouring Adeline and I a cup.
"No," he says blankly. He sits down across from Adeline and looks through the pages to see if he missed anything. There was a half drunken bottle of beer next to the pile of books in front of him. He chugs the beer then slams it down on the table almost braking it.
"There's nothing els," Adeline says unable to keep eye contact with Dean.
"What do you mean there's nothing els!" Dean yells
I want to run over and hug him but I know that won't make anything better. "You need to eat,"
"I'm fine," he says calming down. Still I leave the library and go to the kitchen to make him breakfast. As I make my way to the kitchen all I see is Dean's face, his eyes full of rage and the dark circles under his eyes from not sleeping. I'm not even sure that he slept last night.

Adeline's POV
After Sam leaves the room, there is a loud crashing noice coming from that direction of Dean and Becky's room. I look at Dean and his eyes are wider that before. We run to their room and we find Becky alone in the dark room, the sheets are ripped up and bloody.

Dean's POV
I ripped the covers of of Becky, the scratch marks on her are deep and red. I fall to my knees and I carefully slide my hand under her neck. I reach for her hand weekly hoping she will squeeze back. When she doesn't I quietly sob. "No, please, no,"

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