Chapter 32

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Sam's POV
Last night was weird she didn't want to sleep with me even though I love her but I don't want to  push it when she's ready she's ready.
She starts to toss and turn then accidentally knees me in the gut and I roll of the bed waking Dean and Adeline up. The motel flood was cold and hard. Dean laughs and Adeline jumps out of bed covering me in the blankets accidentally. "I'm so sorry," she says. I chuckle then Adeline helps me up. She goes over to her phone to check the time. "Shit," she says quietly.
"What happened " I say worriedly.
She looks at me and grabs some clothes. She exclaims "Were gonna be late!"
When Adeline walks out of the bathroom dressed up Dean turns to us and says: "why don't you why's go ahead and I'll stay here, you know to work on the case,"
I look at Dean and I mouth Dean! No!
"Sounds good to me," Adeline says putting on her jacket. When we leave I hear Dean quietly chuckle.
Sam's POV
When we walk in Breadstix, the restaurant Greg picked out, we see kids that looked like they are in high school but other than that the restaurant is empty. All of the seats are booths and there's in a old woman that has the shape of a teenage girl. We get seated and Adeline calls Greg, he's on his way.
When I look in Adeline's direction she has a look of nervousness but joy and excitement on her face.
"It's going to be okay," I say rubbing her back, trying to comfort her.
"What if he's completely changed," she squeezes my hand staring at the door. He walks in not seconds later. Adeline stands up greeting him with a warm hug. When I notice that he has a ring on, I feel a weight in my chest. Adeline is going to be hysterical. She sits down next to me and Greg sits across from us.
"So, how bout these breadsticks," I say stying to brake the ice.
Adeline's POV
I can't believe Greg is alive.
"How are you," I ask
"I'm good, how are you," he says picking up his glass and sipping it, I notice is ring. "You're married," I say angrily.
"Look it's not like I just went looking for new wife after Katie died." He looks at Sam. "Back me up man,"
"No, explain yourself," Sam says tightening his grip on my hand.
Greg takes a deep breath. "Look, I was having an affair with my wife when I was still with your sister,"
I stand up pulling Sam with me I say. "I thought you loved her, she had the child you pressured her into," and we storm out.
Authors Note:
Adeline and Katie are 7 years apart
Adeline Greg are 4 years apart
Greg disappeared for 4 years
Greg is now 23
Adeline is 19
Katie would be 26

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