Chapter 36

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Dean's POV
Rocky has been in there for 30 minuets! How long does it take for someone to find out if Becky is alive or not. Rocky comes out moments later. "She's gonna be okay," she says. Suddenly there's a weight lifted off of my shoulders. I sigh deeply and say: "can we see her,"
"She's sleeping but I guess so," We all walk to the room Becky's in, room 25. The door is closed and when we walk in my heart stops, I couldn't bear seeing Be my like this. There are bruises all over her and scratched marks on her arms, she has a broken leg and on the wall are x-rays of her leg. The window is overlooking the parking lot and the sun is beaming in the room. We all find places to sit and I choose the chair closest to the bed. We sit there is silence for five minutes before Becky wakes up.
"Becky," I say quietly looking as her eyes flutter open.
She grins and says, "Hiiiiiiiii, Dean," slurring her words.
"She's on pain meds," Rocky says.
"Wow! All of you guys came to see me," Becky's says giggling. "Where's Adeline,"
Adeline walks over to Becky and stands beside her. "I'm here, how are you Becky,"
"I'm a little loony," she whispers to Adeline chuckling and her cheeks turn red.
"Yeah, I know," Adeline says smiling.
"Are Rocky and Ruby here," Becky asks squinting her eyes and looking at me.
"Hi, Becky," Ruby says walking with Rocky to the foot of the bed as Adeline moves back, standing next to Sam.
"Oh! There you are," Becky says once again slurring her words. I chuckle quietly to myself. A doctor comes in the room with a clipboard in his hands.
"Hi, it's so nice to see that Becky has so many visitors! Which one of you is Rocky Anderson," the Doctor smiling.
"That would be me," Rocky says lifting her hand.
"Ok. Becky will have to stay under our supervision tonight. She will be able to leave tomorrow," the doctor says looking at his clipboard. He looks like he could be 20. He has long brown and dark brown eyes. He reminds me of  Doctor sexy for the show Doctor Sexy. The doctor leaves and Becky slowly drifts off to sleep.
Becky's POV
It was awesome to see Dean again but also a little uncomfortable because I kept thinking about what happened in Hell. I couldn't feel my left leg and my arms were limp. I couldn't open my right eye all the way and the doctors said I didn't remember the accident because I hit my head when the car was hit from behind and the car hit a tree to the side of the road. It's all a little fuzzy to me. They said I was lucky to remember anything before that, and I do. I'm very happy that I remember everything up to the car accident but it would have been nice if I forgot Hell.

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