Chapter 35

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Later that night Sam's POV
Adeline caved and told us that she had been talking to Becky and surprising enough Dean was the only one who hadn't figured it out on his own.
"Adeline, can I talk to you," she was sitting at the table in the library with Dean, Becky, and Ruby eating pizza.
"Yeah," she turns around and smiles, there's a little tomato sauce on her cheek I chuckle and she says: "What,"
She gets up and walks with me to our room. When we finally get to our room
"What's up," she says flicking on the light switch and moving to the bed and sitting down.
"You know I love you right," I say sitting next to her.
"Yeah of course. I love you too," she clenches my hand. "Sammy, what's wrong," she looks down at our hands, me rubbing hers with my thumb.
"Nothing it's just that, you know I would never hurt you and we've been together for a year and we haven't... you know,"
"Oh, no I totally understand. It's just, I'm waiting for the right moment,"
"I get that, I just need you to know that I would ever hurt you,"
"Sam, I know," I was looking down and she gracefully lifted my head so I was looking at her. "This is about Greg, isn't it," she asks. She chuckles to herself and says: "Greg didn't do anything to me. Yeah, it hurt but you're not him." She looks down again. "Sam, I'm just not ready, okay,"
Just as I'm about to say something her phone rings. She gets up and walks out into the hallway then she starts to walk faster and when she finally stops I can see the worried look on her face. She turns to look and everyone sitting at a table in the library and walks over to them then says: "Becky's in the hospital,"
Dean's POV
As soon as I heard those words from Adeline's mouth my heart sank to my feet.
"What happened," I say stuttering.
"She got in a car accident..." she closes her eyes.
"Ok, well let's go to the hospital," Ruby says getting up and pulling Rocky up with her.
"Right yeah," Adeline says. We all pile in the Impala and I speed to the hospital and the whole way there we are silent. My heart is racing, I can't lose Becky again. My mind starts to trace back to Ben and Lisa. I can risk her getting hurt, yeah she's a hunter but if she gets hurt on my terms it's going to be my fault.
When we get to the hospital Rocky says that she's Becky's sister to the lady at the front desk so we know how she's doing. We are all sitting in the waiting room. Rocky in shaking in fear and ruby is trying her hardest to calm her down. Adeline is sitting with her head in her hands as Sam rubs her back.
Ruby's POV
Rocky and Becky are best friends, I know that if Becky doesn't come out of this alive I'm going to lose Rocky too. I want to do something but I know I can't.
Dean's POV
Sam gets up and walks over to me and places two hands on my shoulders, stopping me from pacing.
"She's going to be ok," he says I'm guessing to lighten the mood as much as he could.
"Yeah," I move his hands of my shoulders. "She will be ok. She's not allowed to leave,"
"Well, Dea..." before Sam can finish his sentence a doctor comes out and says: "Are you all here for Brent Anderson," I turn around to face the doctor. Becky, Ruby, and Adeline were all standing.
"I'm her sister," Rocky says. The doctor grins and says: "ok you can follow me," she turns back around to see all of us starting to walk behind her. "I'm sorry but I can only take family neck now,"
Rocky's POV
She had to be alive, why would this doctor call me back, by myself, just to tell me that Becky is dead. We walk to her room and I see Becky laying on a hospital bed, alive, thank god.

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