Chapter 9

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Sam's POV
When we pulled away from each other her cheeks got red and she looked down.
"Ahem..." she says.
I reach for her hand. "Yeah."
"Um... I'm having a game night tonight, would you like to come?" She says standing up and turning away from me.
"Yeah. Hey, are you ok?" I say standing up and turning her towards me.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."

Adeline's POV
Ok. I lied. I'm it fine. Sam cannot find out about Peter. Peter is my ex. Peter he's very... touchy. But not with me. Sam left and I started getting ready for the party. I needed to get my mind off... well everything. I get back to the house and play some music, in a few hours I have guacamole and chips and salsa and cupcakes and, when I get stressed I make way to much food. I have soda and I asked Becky to bring some beer. I plop down on my bed and my head lands in my pillow.
I hear a knock on the door. "Ugh!" I get up and open the door. "Hi, Mrs. Link, what can I do for you." I say looking at the fragile old lady.
"Oh nothing dearie, I just bought you some apple cream pie."
"Thank you" I say grabbing the pie. "Nice seeing you again." I say just before I close the door. She has been the sweetest since I saved her cat last year. I look at the clock, it's 5:30. Shit. People will start arriving soon.
I have enough time to get a nap in. 30 minuets. I get up and get ready for the game night. There's a knock on my door. I run to it and find Sam, Dean, Becky and Rocky standing there.
"Come on in."
"Sam... you picked the right girl. She has pie!" Dean says leaving the group in my doorway and pushing past me. Becky laughs. Sam smirks and me and Rocky stand there awkwardly.
"Well, well, well... I've never been so excited to be at a party."
"Ruby?" Sam says turning around.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?"
"No I don't believe I've had the pleasure. I'm Ruby."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Adeline." I say as Ruby and every steps in just before I close the door.

Rocky's POV
Wow, I don't care if she's a demon Ruby is a vision, with her long brown hair and the way the light hits her is just right, she could be an angel.
"I-I'm Rocky." I say reaching my hand out.
"Enough jibber jabber, I want to play some games." Ruby says walking past me.
We brake up into teams, Sam and Adeline, Dean and Becky. And me and Ruby.
"So who wants to go first?" Adeline says braking the silence.
"We'll go." Dean says standing up. Once we start playing the awkwardness is basically gone. It's our turn.
"Um... ok." I say as Ruby looks at me eagerly. I make some gestures and Adeline stand up.

Sam's POV
This is really awkward. Ruby. I don't get it.
Adeline stands up and walks to the food. I follow.
"Hey are you ok?" I say trying to comfort her. She is going to the counter.
"Yeah. Fine. Um but who is this...Ruby?" I walk over to her and place my hand on hers. I can't help but feel bad. I shot her and now there's a demon in her house.
"Wanna go for a walk?" She asks looking up at me.
"Um... guys we're gonna go for a walk."
"Yeah sure you are..." Dean says jokingly. We walk out and it quiet the whole way. When make it down I reach for her hand and I manage to turn her towards me.
"I'm sorry."
"What? Why?" She says looking up at me, her eyes are so blue and I can't deny my feelings for her.
"I shouldn't have brought you into this life, I shot you and now there's a demon in your house."
"A demon. Huh. So? Demon shnenom. Sam I haven't been this happy with someone like this for a long time."
"Adeline..." Before I can finish she pulls me down by my jacket and we kiss my hands wrap around her waist and when we pull away.
"I really like you Sam. I want this to work out."
"Yeah, me too. But Adeline, as long as we're together... well all the people that I'm around, they get hurt." My hands are still around her waist and we're leaning against a wall.
"Then we'll be careful." I want this but I know she won't be safe if we get together.
"No you don't understand. They die."
"Sam, I feel safe when I'm with you. Tell me you didn't have fun on our date. You're aloud to be happy and hunt at the same time." She was right I was happy and I really like her. "Can we at least try this?" I pull her in for a kiss and neither of us want to let go of each other.
"I'll take that as a yes?" She says after we pull away from each other.
"Come on. It's probably our turn, let's go."

Adeline's POV
We make it up stairs and they are already playing a new game.
"What are we playing?" I ask.
"War." Becky says looking up. There's a knock on the door. I walk over and open the door.
"Did you miss me!?" Oh god. Kill me now.

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