Chapter 27

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Sam's POV
"So what's the case," I ask closing the door of the Impala just before we pull out of the garage.
"5 football players have died in the past week,"
I chuckle. "And this is a case how?" Just then Adeline comes in and sits behind Dean and I. "Ok so the football players had just won their game and went home and for some reason they killed themselves."
"So ghost possession?" Adeline asks leaning on the front seat.
"Could be. We got a long ride ahead of us, get comfy," Dean says.
"How long?" Adeline's asks.
"8 hours," I say.
Adeline leans back and her head drops back. "Ugh,"
We dive for 2 hours then Dean and Adeline start to complain about how they are hungry so we pull into a Ruby Tuesday's drive through.
"Can I get a double patty extra cheese tomato onion burger, a sprite,"
Dean turns to face me. "I'm good," I say.
He turns back to Adeline. "I'll have a Cesar Salad and I sprite please,"
"Yeah and a Cesar salad and another sprite please, thank you," Dean says into the machine.
We get the food and Dean finishes is around 5 minuets but Adeline's quietly eating in the backseat as we continue to drive.
Adeline's POV
When I finish my room I squirm around in the back seat trying to get comfortable,and after 30 of being uncomfortable I give up.
"How is going back there?" Dean asks chuckling.
"Shut up," I say over-tired. I sit up and lean on the front seat, "how much longer of a drive?"
Sam looks down at his watch. "5 hours,"
I groan. "Seriously!"
"Yeah, when your a hunter you spend more time on the road than fighting anything," Dean says.
"Ha ha," I look out the window as we pass the beautiful green trees and listen to the faint music in the background. I shuffle through my dark green duffel bag on the floor of the back seat and I pull out a book. A wrinkle in time. My sister used to read it to me when I was little, like still in the crib little. Every once in a while I would ask her to read it to me so I could fall asleep. I don't like to go anywhere without it. I roll over onto my stomach and I flip to the first page. I read for what feels like 5 minuets when I start to fall asleep, my head falls on the book and I curl up into a little ball.
Dream about childhood
"So are we reading 'A wrinkle in time tonight'" My loving older sister asks as she sits down on the bed. I was staying at her house with my nephew and Katie husband. Mom was MIA and she was scary when she was drunk. Lily had a nice life, an apple pie life, her husband Greg was a teacher and she was a stay at home mom. They lived on a farm just on the outskirts of Vermont. There were chickens and 3 horses and in the yard of rolling hills and blue sky's was a tree swing. I would ask for horse back riding lessons and Greg and I would feed the chickens every morning together. I loved it there.
"Sure," I said sitting up in the old bed with a flower print comforter that matched the whole schemed of the room. I don't know why but that night was the happiest I have ever been in the house but it all ended a week later. My nephew, Jonny was turning 6 months, it was just the four of us, playing games all day, out in the field and in the family room. We laughed and sang and danced. It all had to end that night. It was the man with the yellow eyes fault that Katie and Jonny died, he killed them.
I walked in the room hearing lily screaming at the man and seeing Jonny crying. I saw Greg and just as I was about to walk in he pulled me back. I looked and I was my best friend and sister on the ceiling burning. The next thing I remember after that was our beloved home being burnt to the ground and being in a long sad hug with Greg, holding the book.
"No! Why!" I yelled running in the direction of the house.
"Come on," Greg said grabbing my hand and sobbing. "We need to find a place to stay the night," as I looked up at him I could tell that he was holding back so much.
The next morning I woke up in a empty hotel room with the book and a piece of paper. It read:
Dear Addie,
I love you, you know I do but I can't stay here. When the time is right the universe will bring us back together.
Yours truly,
As first I was angry but then I fell to the ground and  I started sobbing.

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