Chapter 38

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Adeline's POV
When Misha grabbed my hand and pulled my closer to him I was surprised by his strong grip. I was used to him being a baby in a trench coat that was obsessed with Dean. When he said he was going to take me to lunch the first thing I thought was this is going to suck. And when I looked into Sam's puppy eyes I couldn't help but ask the two brothers to come with us. We decided to walk to the nearest diner and the whole way Cas, I mean Misha, clenched my hand tightly. I knew that if we were going to get out of this alternate reality I wanted to get out soon. How did we get here anyways?

The lunch was long and awkward. We walked back to the set when I was stopped by Misha and caught off guard. "Honey, your not in this clip," Misha said chuckling and putting on the trench coat that I was so used to seeing him in.
"Oh right silly me," I say putting a hand through my hair, on our walk back to the set I lost Sam and Dean so I wandered around until I found a trailer with the name Jensen Akles I remembered that Misha called Sam and Dean Jared and Jensen but I don't know who is who. I walked in to find the two brothers reading a article tilted Jensen Akles in 'The days of our lives' the both jumped when I said: "Whatcha reading," leaning in to read the article. Dean slammed the computer close and awkwardly laughed before I could read anything. "Oh, nothing," Dean says.
"I don't like this place, how did you get here," I say changing the subject.
"We haven't seen this guy in a long time but his name is the trickster and we think he put us here," Sam says.
"Ok, but why would he do that," I say pacing and bitting my nails.
"No clue," Dean says.
"Can I see that," I say pointing at the computer sitting down on the sofa in the trailer. I open the computer and look up Ella Collins, I cringe at the thought of me marrying Cas. Sam sits down next to me and reads from the article. "Misha and Ella have two kids, they met on the set of Supernatural and have been together for 2 years,"
"I can't believe you married Cas," Dean says chuckling.
"I didn't, this Ella did," I throwing the pillow next to me at him. "How did you guys get out of here last time anyways," I ask.

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