Chapter 20

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Dean's POV
I feel a soft hand of my back. I don't know how long I was in the room with Becky but when I turned around I saw Cas standing there. I wanted to bring him in for a hug but I just shrugged him off. I stood up. "I'm going to take a shower," I pushed passed him and out the door.
When I walk in the bathroom the first thing I noticed my eyes. They were red and puffy. I get in the shower hoping it will improve my mood. I feel the strong pressure of the boiling water on my skin. When I get out of the shower I make my way back to my room and I get dressed. Becky is still on the bed and when Sam comes in I jump and he says:
"When do you want to do it?" I turn around and I see sympathy but seriousness in his eyes.
"Yeah," I say turning around to face him. Not answering his question.
"I'm really sorry about Becky,"
I want to say I'll be fine but when I look at him the tears just come out. "Me too," I say running my hand through my hair. We walk out to the library and we find Adeline placing plates of pancakes and bacon down on the table. When she notices me her face gives off a more caring look. She rushes over to me and pulls me into a hug. I close my eyes as she hugs me. Then she lets go of me and grins and says: "I made breakfast," gesturing to the table that was set.
"How long was I in there?" I ask looking at the plate of delicious food.
"Three days," Sam says looking straight at me.
There was an awkward silence that Cas breaks showing up out of nowhere. Adeline flinches a little and Sam shifts his attention to him.
"Hello Dean, I see you are out of bed," He walks over to the coffee and pours himself a mug and sits down next to me. "So do we have a case?" I ask think of ways to get my mind off having to burn her body.
"Nope," Adeline says. Out of the corner of my eye I see Cas spit the coffee back into the mug. The rest of breakfast is quite and everyone has gloomy faces. When we finish breakfast, Adeline cleans up and leaves Sam, Cas as I in the library.
"I guess we should get ready to burn the body," I say uncontrollably, I don't want to believe it but I know it's true.
"Yeah," Sam says. We go outside and the cool breeze feels refreshing against my skin. I sigh and walking over to Becky's body being held up by the logs. Sam hands me the matches that I throw on the body wrapped in white fabric. As I throw the matches on her can't help but stare, everything was going so well almost as if everything was normal. Cas places a hand on my back and at first it takes me by shock but then I realize that he is more that just an angel, he's family so I don't push him away. Sam walks over to me leaving Adeline standing looking at the burning body.
"We will get through this, like we always do," Sam says to me. I force a grin so he knows I'm ok. I look away from Sam and a tear falls down my cheek.

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