Chapter 26

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Adeline's POV
"Hello?, Becky," I say concerned
"Hi," she says
"How are you? Why did you leave? Are you okay?" I ask worried.
"I'm fine, how are you?"
"I'm fine," I say confused. Why was she asking me if I was okay? "Now, why did you leave,"
"Because...Dean, well not Dean Demon Dean...he was torturing me in Hell, everyday. I just... I'm just scared to be around him..." I could tell this was hard for her.
"I get it, but you can't hide forever..."I say sitting down on my bed.
"I'm not I just... I need time, please don't tell Dean. Or Sam, please,"
"Well... Becky... I uh,"
"Please," she begs.
"Thank you, really," she says like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. When I hang up I turn around to see Sam standing in the door. I jump when I see I'm. My hand flys to my chest when I see him. "Sam! Geez you scared me!"
"You ok? Who were you on the phone with?"
I stand up and I hold my phone close to me. "My um..." I say the first thing that comes to mind. "My um... my mom,"
"Your mom?" He asks not convinced.
"Yeah, she really wants to meet you,"
"I thought you hated your mom?"
"Well, yeah, but I love her and... and I want her to meet you," I make puppy eye and walking over to him wrapping my arms around his neck, trying make him forget about the call in the first place. He grins and wraps his arms around my waist. "Adeline?"
"I can't tell you," I look up into his eyes. "Do you hear that? I think Dean is calling your name," I push past him but he grabs my arm and he spins me around. "Adeline, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," I say scratching the back of my head. I was worried about Becky.
We walk out to the library and find Dean staring at his computer.
"I found a case," he says not bothering to turn around.
"Really? Already? Your not going to look for Becky," Sam asks surprised.
"She doesn't want to be found, and I need to do something to keep my mind off it," he says turning around and grabbing a beer that was on the table, it could have been 3 days old. He cringes and places it back on the table. "Addie, want to come?" Dean asks.
"Why not, I'm a hunter in training right?" I say trying to lighten the mood.

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