Chapter 14

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Sam's POV
I wake up back in my hotel and see Garth staring deeply into a computer. I jerk up urgently. I have a pounding headache. My hand travels to my head.
"What time is it?" I ask looking at Garth.
Garth glances down at his watch "11,"
"What! Did we ever finish the case!?" I say getting up and walking over to the sink.
"Um yeah. Do you not remember? We kicked some ghost ass!" Garth says turning around in the chair.
"Yeah then when we got back you got super drunk and started talking about some girl, Adeline and how you are 'confused' about your relationship with her."
I fill my cup to the brim and jump because my phone buzzes. It's Dean.
"Geez, someone got our of bed on the wrong side. You need to come to the bunker. Now."
"Because it's haunted."
"Shit." I say as my head falls into my hands
"I know,"
"I'll see you tonight." I says as I hang up.
"Hey Garth I have to go." I say as I start to pack up my bag
"K." Garth gets up and pats my back. "I love you man."
I look up "Cool."
I walk over to the door and leave.

Adeline's POV
School. I can't. At least it's Friday. Today class started at 10:00 and it's only 11, but school finish at 3 o'clock so. I'll live. The day goes by in a blur. I rush home and start on my paper on LGBTQIA+ history. I work for what seems like 1 hour and I haven't gotten one word in yet. Suddenly there's a buzz from my phone.

Sam's POV
I get in the car and realize that I haven't talked to Adeline in a week. I need to call her. I pick up my phone and dial her number.
"Adeline?" I say
"Yes?" She asks her voice sweet but I can tell she's mad at me.
"Listen I know your mad but..."
Adeline cuts me off "um YEAH I'M MAD! You freaking left and you can't just call me and then expect me to... never mind."
"Adeline... I told you that this was going to be hard."
"Ok, but you can still at least try to keep me in the loop."
"I know."
No one talks for what seem like a decade on a deserted island. "Adeline?"
"I'm sorry,"
I look down. I'm embarrassed for what I need to say next. "Do you want to come up to our bunker this weekend?"
"You have a bunker?"
"I'm almost in New York I could pick you up in 2 hours? Please?"
"You know how this sounds right?" Adeline says convinced that I'm insane.
"I know, but I really need you,"
"Just for the weekend." She doesn't seem convinced. But at lest she's coming, I can keep her safe.
"Thank you" I say as my mood lifts. She hangs up and I stare down the blank gloomy road and I tell myself that everything is going to be ok.

I show up at her house 2 hours later. I knock on the door. When the door opens I see Adeline standing there in jeans and a grey sweatshirt.
"Hi,"she says looking at the ground. I start to reach for her hands but she pushes past me and straight down the stairs. She turns around. "Are you coming?"
"Yeah, lets go." I close her door and we walk out to the car. The car ride is quiet and awkward.
"Adeline... I'm sorry."
"I know, you've said that many times." She says starting blankly out the window.
"But I really am. If you didn't agree to come with me I still would have shown up at your door. It's dangerous for you."
"And you know that because?" She says turning to look at me.
"Because whenever I have a relationship with someone other than my brother, they always get hurt."
She scoffs. "I've been trying to get over the fact that your a hunter and now your telling me that I'm going to get hurt because I have a relationship with you!"
"Just try to wrap you head around this! For me." I say slamming my feet on the brakes.
"I'm trying, I'm sorry."
"I know this is crazy, believe me. But just please."
"Ok. Sorry." I start to drive again and we turn into the bunker.
"Come on we're here."
Adeline grabs her stuff and we make our way to the front door.
"Dean's gonna be pissed." I say to myself.

Adeline's POV
Sam pulls out a key and opens the door that looks like it's 1,000 pounds.
"Wow." I say as I step into the bunker. The ceilings are tall and when I look down I get a feeling that I'm standing in a old rusty mansion.
"Sammy?" I hear Dean say from their library.
Sam grabs my hand and guides my down the metal stairs. "You brought Adeline. Hi Adeline, it's nice to see you again."
"Hi Dean."
"Adeline?" I try to leaves Sam's grip but he pulls me back. I look up at him. He pulls me so our hips are touching. He wraps his arm around my waist.
Becky walks up to Dean. "What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Well um, I'm a hunter and so is Rocky."
"Oh. Cool?"
No one says anything for 5 minuets. I could hear the birds chirping out side. Great.
"Come on I'll show you to your room." Sam says and Beck and Dean walk back into the library.

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