Chapter 22

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In the front seat Sam and Dean bicker over over the radio. Dean wants to listen to music but Sam insists on listening to the news.
"Why don't you just turn it off," I suggest a little annoyed.
Sam turns off the radio and Dean rolls his eyes. "You ok Addie," Dean asks keeping his eyes on the paved road.
I shake it off. "Yeah, I'm fine," I say looking out of the window. Dean pulls into the Blue Hoarse Motel and we grab our stuff walking to the motel. The lady at the front desk was short and had black hair.
"To queens please," Sam says handing the lady his fake card.
"There you go," the woman says placing the key on the counter.
"Thank you," I say. Sam and Dean start walking to the elevator when the woman pulls me back.
"I know how you feel..." she says in a whisper.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Being the third wheel, those two men are meant to be together though, you'll get through it."
I tried so hard to hold in the laughter. "Um...thanks," I say calming myself down. As I walk over to the elevator stepping in between the to brothers. When we walk into the elevator
Sam looks down at me. "What did that lady want,"
I look up at him. "I think she thought you and Dean were... involved," I say releasing the laughter. I look at Dean, he made a face like he was going to throw up.
"Oh," Sam says. There is an award silence until we get to our room. I run over and I flip on the bed closest to the window. Sam and Dean chuckle.
"Come on, we have a case to work on," Dean says pulling out his FBI outfit. I excitedly get up and get my FBI outfit and I walk to the bathroom to get changed.
Moments later we are getting back in the car and driving to the TPD.
Sam stays back to question the head chief and Dean and I go to the morgue.
"Dr. Smith?" Dean asks. A man looks up and grins.
"Hi we're here to see the bodies that were brought in this morning," I say. I feel my feet sweating.
"This is my partner, Agent Jones," Dean says nudging me letting me know I need to take my badge out. I pull it out of my blazer and show it to the man.
He frowns and Dean pulls my badge out of my and and flips it over, it was upside down. "She's new,"
Dr. Smith opens the door and lets us into the morgue. "I trust you don't need my help," he says
"Thank you," I say as Dean and I walk into the morgue the doctor closes the door behind us. We find the body and examined it.
"Vamp," I say gesturing to the bite marks on his neck.
"Yup," He says.
I lift up the sheet covering the man. "Wait, his heart's missing," I look up at Dean, "I thought only werewolfs' eat the hearts,"
"So what, we dealing with a Werepire," he says annoyed.
We meet Sam back at the motel. Dean and I walk in the room and we fin Sam staring into his computer.
"So?" He asks looking up at us.
"Are there such things as vampire wolfs?" I ask trying to make a joke.
"Um..." Sam says confused.
"We went to the morgue and his heart was gone but there were vamp marks on his neck," Dean says answering for me. I sit down next to Sam and Dean grabs a beer.
Sam turns and looks at me. "How did it go?"
"I held my badge up side down," I say looking away from him.
He chuckles a little and says: "It happens to the best of us,"
"Haha," I says sarcastically and punching his arm. He grabs my arm and pulls me into a kiss I grin and I wrap my arms around his neck.
Dean annoyingly ruining the moment says: "get a room love birds,"

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