Chapter 25

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The morning that Becky left 10 a.m.
Rocky's POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I turn to see Ruby lying next to me. I grin and kiss her on the forehead. I roll over to see that Adeline has called me 5 time and Dean has called me twice.
I decided to call Adeline, she's not as scary.
"Hello?" Adeline says.
"Hi hey, what's up," I says still half asleep.
"Um well..." she pauses and takes a deep breath. "Um... Becky's sorta... alive," her voice cracks.
"What?!" I yell through the phone. "Can I talk to her?" I leave my room and I walk down to the kitchen not wanting to wake up Ruby.
"What do you mean, where is she?" I ask more concerned.
"We're at the bunker and she just left."
"Then look for her! Damn it!" I yell.
"We can't, she asked us not to,"
"Ok," I take a deep breath. "then don't, she will come when she's ready. I'll stay here and call you if she comes,"
"Ok, thanks Rocky, I'll talk to you later,"
"Yeah, bye," I say and I hang up.

Dean's POV
I walk out to the Library and find Adeline on the phone.
"She's not... here?" I hear Adeline say into the phone. She turns around and sees me staring at her.
After a few seconds she hangs up and I walk over to her. And she hands me a note. I read it and I look up at her.
"What is this," I ask annoyed.
"Becky left," she looks down at her hands. "I'm sorry,"
"Who were you on the phone with," I ask walking past her and pouring myself a cup of coffee.
"Rocky," she walks over to me and picks up her phone. "She told me that we can't go looking for Becky, she will come when she is ready,"
"Ready! Ready for what," I slam my fists into the table and I turn around to face her.
Sam walks in the library. "Hey," he walks in drying his hair with a towel. Adeline's phone rings and she runs out of the room pushing past Sam.
"What's wrong with her," Sam asks
I shrug and tell him about Becky.

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