Chapter 4

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Ever had an out of body experience, where you're looking at the situation from a different vantage point and all you can think is, hey idiot! Do something!

Well that's how Mia felt at this moment. Feeling paralyzed, she couldn't take her eyes off of the two in front of her. She didn't even know that Sehun was gay. Was he? Lucky was known for bedding straight guys as well. His charm was just too irresistible.

After what felt like an hour, but what would have only been 5 seconds in reality, Mia's brain slowly started to function again.

"Lap top!" she blurted out averting her gaze and feebly looking around for the small silver rectangular object. Hearing some shuffling around on the bed, probably the two covering themselves up, Mia decided that she didn't need the lap top. Only her grades were in jeopardy anywaya. No big deal right?

"You know what, never mind," she finally said with a nervous chuckle and made the mistake of looking up at Lucky and Sehun again. At least they were covered by Lucky's sheets now. "You can have it! I don't need it. I'll buy another one on my way to class! Bye!"

With the door finally closed, Mia pressed her back on the door and sighed deeply. Well that wasn't awkward at all.

Mia wasn't expecting any one to be home at this time, so the view she just walked in on was the furthest thing from her mind.

After shaking the image out of her brain, Mia proceeded making her way towards the living room to get her bag. As she was picking up her bag, she heard a faint click of a door opening, meaning that someone decided to follow her.

"Your laptop." Said Lucky holding up the piece of crap that brought all of this on. Although he had sweat pants on, he was still bare from the chest up, revealing his toned upper body.

Mia reached for the laptop and stuffed it quickly in her bag.

"So you and Sehun." It was more of a statement than a question.

Lucky sheepishly shrugged his shoulder then broke out in a grin.

"So how hard has it been keeping this a secret?" Mia asked with a small laugh.

"So hard! You have no idea, I'm actually glad you know now, I just wish you didn't have to walk in on us in the act." Admitted Lucky while slumping on the back of the couch we were standing next to.

"Is Sehun freaking out?" Asked Mia.

Lucky snorted and cocked his head to the side, "You have no idea."

"I didn't know he was gay," Said Mia leaning on the back of couch next to Sehun.

Lucky's expression was suddenly very serious. He slightly turned around towards Mia so he could face her. "Well that's actually what I came out here to talk to you about. Sehun hasn't told anyone that he's gay, I'm actually the first guy he's ever tried anything with."

Mia was blown away by the small confession. "Don't worry, I'd never say anything."

"I know that, but Sehun just needed some reassurance." Said Lucky.

Mia nodded her head and pretended to zip her lips and throw away the key. That's when Sehun slowly came out from the hall way with an unsure look on his face. He had all of his clothes on.

"Hey," said Sehun wearily.

"Hi," Mia waved her hand. "Don't worry, I'm really good at keeping secrets."

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