Chapter 14

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Dad Joke of the Day: Did you hear about the kidnapping at school? Its fine...she woke up.


X by Nicky Jam

Fire by Jessie J

Notice by Little Mix (I feel like this is how Mia feels when (kind of) when they're arguing ;))

Chapter 14

Enjoying the arrival of the weekend, Mia gets ready for Chanyeol's get together. Since he didn't specify the level of fancy, Mia decides to keep it semi casual. Pulling on deep blue jeans, she pairs it with a nice white chiffon quarter sleeve top. She tucks in the front and lets the back flow freely to give her a dressed up aesthetic. She leaves her hair to air dry after her shower, so it dries in a slightly wavy style. Pulling on her suede booties, she makes her way to Jenny's room. She was the makeup expert in the house after all.

Mia finds Jenny and Jisoo getting ready together. Jisoo is styling her bleach blonde hair while Jenny pulls on her tight blue dress. "Jenny..." Mia pouts whining, "make me look pretty." Mia smile batting her eyelashes at her friend.

"I can do your makeup!" volunteers Jisoo before Jenny can say anything.

Mia gladly sits in front of Jisoo once she's done with her to get made up. After Mia instructs her that she wants very light makeup, Jisoo applies soft make up on Mia's face. Once she's done, Mia's face looks the same but enhanced, pinker cheeks, pinker lips, thicker lashes and more defined eyebrows.

"Gorgeous," comments Jenny hugging her from behind as Mia looks at herself through the mirror.

She smiles satisfied with the look. "Thanks Jisoo," Mia smiles at Jisoo, who just nods in acknowledgment.

Almost 40 minutes later, they all arrive at the address Chanyeol sent Mia the other day. Unsurprisingly, his house is just as big as Sehun's and as fancy looking as Baekhyun's pent house.

"I really need to know what they all do for work," comments Jenny taking Jisoo's hand in hers and walking towards the front of the door.

Mia wraps her arm around Lucky's as they follow Jenny and Jisoo. The front door is unlocked and slightly ajar so they just enter.

Small gathering my ass thinks Mia looking around at the crowd that has already gathered inside Chanyeol's place. Semi loud music plays around the house, creating a mellow and nice vibe. A drink is in everyone's hand for a good time. Looking through crowd, Mia spots Chanyeol and they all decide to head over to greet him.

"Hey!!" Greets them Chanyeol as soon as he sees them approaching. He gives them a big and inviting smile.

They all exchange hugs. "I thought you said it's a small gathering?" jokes Mia looking around at the full on party.

"I got a little overboard, huh?" laughs Chanyeol, looking a bit drunk already. "Well make yourselves at home, the bar is over there," he says gesturing towards the general area.

Nodding, they leave him to greet other guests that have just arrived. "Well I'm not gonna say no to an open bar," says Lucky dragging Mia towards the bar.

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