Chapter 13

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Dad Joke of the Day: What time did the kid go to the dentist? At tooth-hurty TT TT

Chapter 13

The month of March brings with it warmer winds and a bright shining sun. Mia is only a month and a half in through the semester but the stress level is already at a max. Sitting in the library Mia looks out the large window, her book splayed out in front of her, envying the couples walking hand in hand under the shining rays of the sun. She can feel the warmth radiating through the window. Too bad she has to concentrate on her English class. She was sure the professor didn't like her, which means she has to put in more effort into the class. Sighing she shifts her gaze in front of her to look at Jenny and Jisoo 'studying' together. They were now an official couple and very inseparable, even though they have to tone down their love in public. Lucky and Sehun haven't declared their exclusivity but neither was seeing anyone else at the moment, so they might as well be an official couple. Even if they aren't public about their relationship. If Baekhyun wasn't an indecisive man, Mia could have been with him right now too.

They've only had minimal contact with each other since that one fateful night in December. Even though they see each other every now and then because of their mutual friend group, they don't really speak. He displayed how he feels about her Christmas Eve so Mia is doing everything she can to keep him out of her mind, although that is easier said than done. Every now and then he unwantedly pops in her mind, distracting her from the task at hand. Like now.

"This book is weird, I can't understand anything!" huffs Jisoo staring at the book she's holding in her hand.

Looking at the book in her hand Mia raises an eyebrow. "It's because whoever wrote this was Russian." Said Mia.

"I don't care if they were in a rush, it makes absolutely no sense!" she complains again.

Mia just looks amusedly at Lucky. Jisoo is the nicest girl you'll ever meet but she isn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box.

"Anyways," starts Daniel who's sitting on Mia's left, "Wanna come over to my place tonight? I just got the new avengers movie." Daniel wiggles his eyebrows up and down with excitement.

"Umm...hell yea. I can stop by after work," replies Mia.

"I'm glad you found someone who shares your superhero movie obsession," says Lucky.

"Yea," agrees Jenny. "Now you'll stop dragging us to the movies every time a new one comes out," winks Jenny teasingly.

"You guys just don't appreciate art when you see it," Mia sticks out her tongue like a kid at Jenny and Lucky. They just laugh off her childish antiques.

Mia introduced Daniel to Jenny and Lucky right after Christmas and they all seemed to quickly become friends. It wasn't surprising. They all had a similar laid back personality after all. They all hang out together more often than not. Surrounding herself with friends helps distract her from Baekhyun, but every time she sees him, all her old feelings come flooding back.

Facing her books again, Mia blocks out the slight buzzing of the non-quiet area of the library, assigned for group studying, and start reading her book again.

After a short shift at work, Mia heads over to Daniel's apartment. When she knocks at the door though, a familiar yet strange face greets her. A girl stands at the door and eyes Mia from head to toe with narrowed eyes. Mia feels naked under the scrutiny of her gaze. A bit uncomfortable, Mia shifts in her place and tries to spot Daniel behind the girl but to no avail.

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