Chapter 3

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Hi there! I apologize in advance if i alternate between present tense and past tense. I usually write in past tense but I decided to try present tense and it's been hard. I'm actually thinking about changing it to a third person point of view. Let me know what you think!



By opting to sit next to Baekhyun, I set myself up to be ignored for the night. No eye contact was made between us.

I should've never promised to stay sober tonight.

Even though I was participating in small talk here and there with the others, I wasn't getting the attention of the one person I came to see tonight.

"Wanna dance?" I take a chance and look at Baekhyun who briefly glances my way.

He takes a sip of beer before replying, "Isn't it your bed time already?"

At least he replied. "Actually I never did have a bed time, my parents let me make my own choices, and early bed time was not one of them, although I kind of regret it now, since all I wanna do is sleep now that I'm in college. I don't get any time for relaxation though, with my classes and work, I barely have time to nap."

Baekhyun gives me a look full of irritation. "Do you always talk this much?"

"Pretty much! But if we were dancing, I wouldn't be talking. Or maybe I would, I don't know. Depends on how good of a dancer you are I guess. Maybe if y..." He downed the last remaining sip of his beer before putting the glass down and standing up, promptly cutting off my rant.

Looking at Sehun who is sitting across from us next to Lucky, Baekhyun decides to enlighten his friend with my secret, "She's 18, just so you know." He nods his head towards me to emphasize even more who he's talking about.

My mouth hangs open from surprise. Feeling betrayed I mumble "traitor" to his retreating body before facing Sehun.

Sehun only looks at me with one eyebrow raised in question and...amusement?

"So...drinks? Anyone?" when no one answers, I resort to the only viable option. Groveling.

Pouting, I clasp my hands together in front of me. "I'm almost 19, please don't kick me out. I know that it is technically illegal but we're friends now right? At least I think so. You know I felt a connection between us from the first day we met, like we were meant to be friends..." before I can continue rambling, Sehun has the good sense to cut me off.

"It's ok, I'm not going to kick you out." He looks at Lucky again, with that same amused look on his face before taking a sip of his drink.

"So are you all underage?" asks Kyungsoo.

"Nah, just me, but everything else is real!" I exclaim.

"So you're all seniors?" asks Chanyeol.

"Except for that one, we're freshmen." Man, that makes us sound like babies.

"Ok Sohee, we believe you," Kyungsoo sounds so nice and sincere that it makes me feel kind of shitty for lying. But in my defense, I didn't think I'd see them again.

"Also, my name is Mia. But that's it, I swear!" at least I think it is. What else did I lie about?

When Baekhyun doesn't come back in the next 5 minutes, I excuse myself from the table to see where that little traitor has escaped to. After a short search, I find him leaning, against the crowded bar with his elbow resting on the bar with his phone in his hands.

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