Chapter 17

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Dad Joke of the Day: Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.

Chapter 17

The restaurant is fancy, but not fancy enough that Mia feels under dressed. The lights are slightly dimmed with an orange hue. The smell of food is heavenly, making Mia's stomach grumble with hunger. Mia orders a steak while Baekhyun gets a lobster dish. Both plates look very appetizing once they arrive.

Mia almost lets out a moan of appreciation when she takes a bite of her steak but holds it in.

"Do you like the food?" asks Baekhyun gesturing towards her plate.

"Are you kidding? It's like an orgasm in my mouth," Mia takes another bite while Baekhyun only chuckles in amusement. "It's nice being rich," Mia comments.

Taking a bite of his own food, Baekhyun puts down his fork and knife as he wipes his mouth with the provided cloth. "Speaking of money, something you said that night...bothered me." Mia looks up confused. "I don't care that you're a waitress. I find it very admirable that you're working to put yourself through college. Don't ever feel ashamed about that."

"Oh, I'm not ashamed." Mia replies looking down. "Plus Technically I don't put myself through college. I have a partial scholarship, and my parents help a lot too. I just try to cover my rent and pocket money and a little bit of the tuition. But it's not bad, my parents take care of most of it."

Mia's tuition costs a leg and arm. There is no way she could afford it with her waitress salary. That's why she's very thankful that her parents support her, even though she knows that they struggle with the bakery at times as well.

"Well, I still think it's commendable," says Baekhyun, making Mia blush.

"How do you know Chanyeol and them? Is there like a rich bachelor's club or something?" Mia jokingly asked.

Baekhyun chuckled at the question. "We all grew up together."

"Ooh, that's nice. I met Lucky and Jenny in middle school. I had just moved from the US and was very nervous about not fitting in but they were nice enough to adopt me." Mia reminisces.

"It must've been hard." Baekhyun sympathizes.

"Just a little. Knowing the language helped. Also my mom is full Korean so I didn't stand out to much," Mia explains.

"So your dad isn't?" he asks.

"No, but his step mom, my grandma is." Baekhyun nods in understanding.

Mia is now more than halfway done with her food that is very delicious. Taking a sip from her glass of water, she smiles at Baekhyun.

"This is nice." Mia comments, and Baekhyun's face twists in slight guilt. "What?" She asks, dreading the answer.

"I'm glad you like the lunch but, we probably shouldn't do this again."

Mia sighs in defeat. "So you are dumping me."

"I can't dump you if we're not together," Baekhyun replies. "But yes, we shouldn't have let the other night happen either."

"You regret it?" It's more of a statement than a question.

"I don't. I don't regret it one bit. But we shouldn't let it happen again." Mia's heart sinks as Baekhyun continues to reject her.

"Why?" she asks with a small voice.

"It's just a crush. You'll regret it once it wears off." Baekhyun replies.

That's it.

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