Chapter 12

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Dad Joke of the Day: Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field LOLZ

Yo, listen to Blah by PLT if you haven't already. It's a hip hop-ish song and its as the kids say, lit.

Chapter 12

After a long and stressful couple of months, the semester was over and Christmas was here. Christmas Eve to be more exact. It was still 4 in the afternoon but Mia was more than ready to go home to her parents and celebrate Christmas. They weren't the most religious family out there, but who didn't celebrate Christmas? Everyone already left home for Christmas but Mia stayed behind and decided to work a little bit during the winter break so she could save up some money for the next semester that is soon approaching.

Work is unusually busy even though it's Christmas Eve. It seems like a lot of couples use this time of year to go out on dates. They are lucky enough to have a white Christmas and so the snow is blanketing the streets, creating a very romantic vibe that Mia would've loved to celebrate if she wasn't forever alone that is. The busyness makes work go by so fast and Mia is happy because that means she can leave soon.

Around 5 Mia sees someone she isn't expecting to see. Baekhyun is seated by one of the hostesses in her area with a slightly older but pretty looking woman. It immediately dampens her mood.

Pulling on a professional smile, she approaches their table with a couple of menus. "Welcome to The Garden Café, here are your menus. Can I start you with something to drink?"

Baekhyun looks up at Mia and a hint of a surprise flashes on his face.

"Just water for now, we'll choose something off the wine menu later," replies the lady.

Bowing in politeness, Mia leaves to take care of other customers.

After Baekhyun's arrival, time seems to be going a bit slower to Mia's dismay. Her dreams of ending her shift quickly and leaving for home feels so far away at this point. Mia keeps a polite smile on her face every time she approaches Baekhyun's table, as she does with any other table.

Almost an hour later, when Mia is handing Baekhyun the bill and is clearing up his table, she sees him sitting alone but refuses to make small talk like she would've once upon a time. Surprising, Baekhyun's speaks first for the first time.

"I'm a bit surprised to see you here," he speaks nonchalantly while taking a look at the bill she handed him a second ago.

"I work here," Mia replies with the same amount of nonchalant. She gathers the dirty dishes on to her trey to take them to the kitchen.

"I meant it's Christmas Eve," he clarifies.

"Yea, but the pay is double on holidays," she could use all the money can get.

"What about your family?" Baekhyun asks tentatively, in case there is a different reason she isn't going home.

"I'm taking the last bus out tonight to go home." Mia smiles slightly thinking about seeing her parents for the first time in months. "We have this weird tradition where we get chicken and beer every year for Christmas Eve. Fingers crossed they'll actually let me drink the beer this year," muses Mia before realizing she over shared again. Letting her smile slip, she puts on her professional face on again and excuses herself.

She isn't sure what it is, but every time she is around Baekhyun, she just wants to tell him everything. He probably doesn't even care. He probably even feels uncomfortable with the over sharing.

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