Chapter 2

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For the first time in my life, no words were coming out of my mouth. I'm usually the type of person that experiences 'word vomit' at the most inopportune times, but for some reason, as Baekhyun stares at me with one eyebrow raised, waiting for a response, I have nothing to say.

"Imagine my surprise when I look through your bag for your ID to get a home address, but end up finding two." Embarrassed, I look down to avoid eye contact. Impatient with my lack of response, Baekhyun speaks again. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that your real name is Emilia, since it wouldn't make sense to get a fake ID where you're actually younger."

"Mia," I mumble lowly getting his attention.

"Excuse me?"

"You can call me Mia," I speak louder this time, making sure he heard me.

"The only thing I'm calling you is a driver to take you home." He throws both my ID's on the couch next to my purse.

I'm about to start apologizing profusely, but I notice that I am not wearing the clothes I had on last night. Instead I'm adorned in a plain white shirt that's slightly big on my small frame.

"Did we do it?" The words are out of my mouth before I even realize what I'm saying.

Raising an eyebrow again he asks, "Do what?"

"You know, did we do the feather bed jig? The lust and thrust? Did you bury your bone in yard?" And there goes the word vomit again.

"What?" Baekhyun asked taken aback.

"My front yard of course." When he didn't say anything, my eyes widened. "Oh my god, it was my back yard wasn't it?" I asked panicked. I've never done anal, and it would suck if I couldn't remember my first. Unless it hurt like hell, then I'm grateful for this memory loss.

Baekhyun gave me an incredulous look that spelt out 'you're crazy.' I guess he didn't appreciate my rambling.

He silently gets up off the couch and leaves his room without a word, never confirming whether we did or did not have sex. Sighing in annoyance, I look around me at the huge and neat room that seems to have a large walk in closet and a bathroom.

Deciding to freshen up a bit, I get out of bed and head towards the bathroom. Even the bathroom was huge, not that I should've expected anything less than a bathroom fit for royalty by the looks of his bedroom.

Turning on the lights, I look in the mirror and widen my eyes at the horror that is my reflection. The mess that I sometimes acknowledge as my own hair looked like a stack of hay that's been placed on top of my head.

Running my fingers through my hair, I attempt to tame it down so that I could at least look presentable and not like a hobo that's just had sex in a sac on a hot day. Once I start looking semi decent, I drop my arms on my side and venture out in search of a toothbrush. After opening up a couple of cabinets and drawers and sniffing some new body wash in the process, I give up my hunt for a tooth brush.

My eyes fall on top of a red toothbrush next to the sink. I sneakily glance around me to double check that I was indeed alone before snatching it out of the holder.

As I walk down the grand white hallway adorned with different expensive looking art work, I can't help but wonder what Baekhyun's occupation might be. It was very obvious that he was rich but nothing I've seen so far indicates what he actually does for a living.

I walk towards some faint noise coming from the end of the hallway to be greeted into the most extravagant living room I've ever had the pleasure of being in. I look to my right to see Baekhyun making coffee.

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