Chapter 28

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Dad Joke of the Day: Why was the leopard bad at playing hide and seek? Because he was always spotted.

***Just wanted to put out there that even though I do believe in god and conform to a specific religion, I have nothing against people who don't or follow a different faith. We should all love each other no matter what our beliefs. You'll understand why I'm mentioning this once you read the chapter haha.

Also another chapter already!!! I'm on fyah!!!

Chapter 28

Whatever hope Mia had for the night going well deflated halfway through dinner even though no one brought up her age afterwards, Mia felt as though anything she said after would be overshadowed by the fact that she's young. She was sure that Baekhyun's parents didn't approve of her. Who would?

Baekhyun is a successful CEO of his own company, doing extremely well in his field and making his parents proud. Mia is just a freshman in college that is working as a party girl to pay for her tuition. If they find out about this, it would be the cherry on top of the cake.

Dinner is over with and everyone is gathered in the living room, talking animatedly and enjoying their time. Mia stands by the beautiful fireplace and looks at the pictures displayed there. Mia smiles at the pictures of young Baekhyun in diapers as well as high school Baekhyun. She can see many family pictures as well and she can tell that Baekhyun and his family are very close to each other. This probably means that their approval of her means that much more to him. Thinking of this showers Mia with guilt, knowing that she's not good enough for him. Sometimes she wonders why Baekhyun ever agreed to date her in the first place.

Mia's melancholic thoughts are cut short when she feels a tug on her sweater. Looking down, Mia spots Jimin staring up at her with wide eyes and a juice box in hand.

"Hey there," Mia smiles as she looks down at the little kid.

Jimin stares back innocently, sucking on his straw. "Are you hyung's girlfriend?" he suddenly asks, the straw still in his mouth.

Mia's eyebrows arch in surprise but a smile appears on her lips nonetheless. "Yes, I am," Mia replies.

Jimin nods, as if taking it all in. Then a bright smile graces his face. "Good. I like you."

Actually touched by the kid's words, Mia smiles. "Yea?"

Jimin nods his head vigorously. "Mhm. You're funny."

Mia's not sure if that should relax her or not but she can't help but smile. At least someone likes her. "Well I like you too." Mia says booping the younger's nose.

Jimin blushes furiously. "You're pretty." He says looking down.

Mia can't help but awe at the cuteness overload in front of her. "Are you trying to steal my girlfriend from me?"

Baekhyun approaches Mia with a smile and wraps an arm around her waist comfortingly.

"No hyung! I swear I wasn't!" Jimin actually looks frightened by the accusation and Baekhyun laughs.

"Good, because I can't compete against you." Baekhyun jokes.

Mia smiles at this new side of Baekhyun. She's never seen him interact with kids before and she can't say she hates it. Baekhyun was actually really good with kids.

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