Chapter 6

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This chapter is short. I'm sorry. Don't kill me. I'll try to upload a new chapter again soon.

Thank you, and enjoy!

P.S. I didn't read over to check for any errors so I apologize in advance.


Baekhyun's place looked exactly like Mia remembered it. Classy, elegant, and artistic. By now the effects of the alcohol was fading away so Mia was more alert and coherent.

"You can wait in the living room, this shouldn't take more than 10 minutes," Baekhyun was quick to leave Mia alone in the living room.

Sighing, Mia took a seat on one of the luxurious couches and decided not to touch anything in the fear of breaking it. She'd probably have to sell her eggs to pay him back if she ruined anything in his house and she didn't like having her future babies that she didn't know about running around the world. Silently looking around, Mia could tell that Baekhyun's taste was very artistic. There were beautiful paintings adorning the walls and every gadget in the house seemed high tech. Not surprising for someone in IT.

When boredom started setting in, Mia looked for something to occupy her time with. Finding the TV remote on the coffee table in front of her, she turned the TV on and started going through the channels.

Sending out the email took longer than Baekhyun thought. Getting up from his desk, he hurried towards the living room to apologize to Mia for keeping her out late. Following the low noise of the TV, Baekhyun was surprised to see Mia sleeping on the couch. Feeling bad for taking too long, Baekhyun didn't want to wake Mia up from her sleep. Going back to his room, he retrieved a warm blanket and layed it on top of the sleeping girl. Instead of leaving though, Baekhyun was entranced for a moment by the beauty he saw before him. Mia truly was beautiful. Too bad she was still just a kid. An annoying one at that too. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, Baekhyun slowly turned the TV off and left Mia to her dreams.

The ding, indicating that the elevator doors were opening woke Mia up from a deep sleep. Slowly opening her eyes, she squinted in order to prevent the bright rays of the sun from blinding her. Was she in Baekhyun's house again? She stifled in a yawn and looked around. Slowly the memories of last night flooded back to her. Before she could make a move though, the delicate voice of a female alerted her fully awake.


"Hayoon? What are you doing here? And can you keep it down please?"

"I missed you. Didn't you miss me?" Said the woman that just entered the apartment.

"Yea?" Baekhyun seemed a bit unsure and frazzled from what Mia could hear.

"Then come and give me hug," Mia could hear the click clack of the woman's heels on the marble floors.

Mia wasn't sure as to what she should be doing. Maybe it was time to leave. Maybe this was the pretty woman she saw in the picture in Baekhyun's office. Cursing herself in her head for getting herself in this situation, Mia slowly crawled out of the couch and got on all fours on the floor. She slowly creeped up to the side of the couch and peeked her head out from the side, trying to form a plan to get the fuck out of there before things got awkward.

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