Chapter 21

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Dad Joke of the Day: What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea.

Chapter 21

The soft touch of Baekhyun's fingers graze Mia's bare back soothing her. It's a perfect morning with Baekhyun lying down next to her. With her eyes closed, Mia has yet to announce that she's awake, lying on her stomach, her face turned away from Baekhyun. The sun shining through the window warms up her skin, while Baekhyun's touch leaves goosebumps in their wake.

"I like this whole waking up next to you thing," Mia smiles, finally turning in her place to look at Baekhyun. The soft sheets clutched tightly in her hands and against her chest.

Baekhyun smiles and tucks a stray hair behind Mia's ear. "I like it too," he says before leaning in and pressing his lips against Mia's.

Moaning into the kiss and melting against his touch, Mia reaches her right hand up and grazes Baekhyun's cheek then moves it to the back of his head to clutch his hair and pull him closer. Complying, Baekhyun runs his hand on Mia's side and pulls her body close to his. Even though they are both completely bare at the moment, the sheets come between them so they don't experience full skin to skin contact.

Mia is pushed back until her back is flush with the mattress, Baekhyun on top of her. His hand moves up Mia's side until it reaches her cheeks, where is caresses and stays. Their mouths moving together in a hot kiss. The kiss send a warm feeling spiraling throughout her body, turning her into putty in Baekhyun's hands. Wanting more, Mia opens her mouth to welcome the tongue that was tracing the shape of her bottom lip. Their tongues tangle in a messy kiss, eliciting moans of pleasure from the both of them.

With one hand used to brace himself on the mattress as to not crush Mia, his other hand trails down slowly until he grabs the sheet obstructing him from touching her skin. Pulling the sheet down, Baekhyun exposes Mia's chest to cold air and her nipples harden even more immediately. With his hands kneading Mia's side, Baekhyun's lips move to kiss her cheek then just below her ear. The kisses are wet and needy, biting and nibbling without leaving a mark. Turning her head to the right, Mia gives Baekhyun ample space to kiss and do what he pleases with.

Mia's eyes are shut tight as Baekhyun's lips gently graze up and down her neck. With an open mouth, he sucks lightly on Mia's neck, turning Mia's brain into mush. Loud moans and the sound of lips on skin, the only noise to be heard in the room. Baekhyun continues to kiss down Mia's neck and chest, until he reaches her sensitive bud. There's nothing but a soft lick at first, not using his lips, Baekhyun only uses his tongue to run over Mia's hard nipple. The wet feeling leaves a sensation of pleasure coursing through her entire body.

With both hands in Baekhyun's hair, her grip tightness, begging for more. "Beakhyun...please." With all rationale thrown out the window, Mia feels no shame in begging for more. Wanting more. Needing more.

Complying with her request, Baekhyun wraps his lips around the sensitive nub and sucks. Mia's eyes roll to the back of her head, her back arching of the bed. Moaning loudly, encouraging Baekhyun. His lips feel heavenly as he plays with her nipples, while his tongue does wonders to Mia.

Not able to hold back anymore, Mia pulls Baekhyun's hair harshly until his lips let go of her skin and his eyes meet hers. His eyes, full of lust, and need, arouses Mia even more. "I need you, now," Mia emphasizes the last word so Baekhyun understands.

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