Chapter 23

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Dad Joke of the Day: Why do crabs never give to charity? Because they're shellfish.

Chapter 23


Can I borrow something from your closet?


Of course boo!

And that's how Mia ends up in a karaoke bar bathroom, clad in a skin tight black dress that barely cover her thighs. The neckline is not very deep but it still quite heavily accentuates her cleavage. Sighing to herself, Mia tries to pull the hem of her dress down but that does nothing but expose more of her breasts so she decides to reveal the lesser of the two evils and pulls the dress up. Tzuyu's friend recommended heavy makeup so Mia chose to apply some eyeliner, mascara and dark red lipstick. She looks good, just not like herself though. Mia rethinks her decision but then thinks of the alternatives and knows she doesn't have another choice. None that she's willing to take anyways.

Her thoughts are interrupted by her phone ringing. Picking it, she sees a new text from Baekhyun. With a guilty conscious, she swipes to the right to see the text. As usual he's asking if she wants a ride home and dinner.

A heavy feeling settles on Mia's chest, knowing it because of the lie she's about to spew out. Sending a short excuse about studying late, Mia locks her phone and puts it in her bag and exits the bathroom and towards the locker room for employees.

"You look good!" Exclaims Subin, Tzuyu's friend, who is also dressed in a similar manner.

Mia stuffs her things in her assigned locker and turns to face the girl with a smile. "Thank you," Mia says, discomfort evident in her voice.

Sensing Mia's unease, Subin rubs her arms comfortingly. "Don't worry, like I told you before, it's perfectly safe. The customers aren't allowed to touch you without your permission. If they do, all you need to do is call for security. But between you and me, they leave a hefty tip if you let them get a little touch every now and then, but that's totally up to you."

Mia nods her head, listening to Subin. "Got it."

The music is sung loudly and out of tune, but Mia still sports a smile on her face, feigning excitement. She dances enthusiastically with a tambourine next to a middle aged man. It seems like the room is filled with bored business men that came here to let loose after work. So far they all seem harmless as they drink and sing. There's about 6 of them so another girl that Mia just met is also assigned to entertain the men in this room.

"You having fun?" shouts the man in Mia's ears while dancing.

"As long as you are," Mia answers with a smile, cringing internally.

The man runs his hand up and down Mia's arm and it takes every ounce of strength in Mia to not pull away, remembering Subin's words. They leave a hefty tip if you let them get a little touch every now and then. "How old are you?" the man asks.

"22," Mia lies confidently, not willing to give away her real age.

"You must still be in college then," the man replies before eying Mia's body up and down.

Mia feels her skin crawl with disgust but she hides her true feelings behind a mask of a girl that's having the time of her life. "I am," Mia nods.

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