Chapter 10

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Dad Joke of the Day:

- Why did the coffee file a police report? Because it got mugged!!!

Please don't stop reading because I'm not funny

Chapter Playlist:

The Morning by The Weeknd

Hold Tight by Sabrina Carpenter

Cut My Lip by Twenty One Pilots

Chapter 10

Opening his eyes to the bright rays of the sun, Lucky smiles as he snuggles closer to the very warm and very naked body behind him. He sighs in content as Sehun's arm wraps tighter around him. It's only 7 in the morning, but they have breakfast plans before Lucky has to go to class and Sehun has to go back to work so he wills his eyes to stay open.

"Morning," Sehun plants a light kiss on the back of Lucky's neck.

"Mmmm, do we have to get up? Can't we stay like this for a couple of more hours?" mumbles Lucky sleepily.

"You can't be late to class...two days in a row," chuckles Sehun.

"It was so worth it," says Lucky remembering yesterday morning.

Turning around, Lucky faces Sehun and plants a long good morning kiss on the latter's lips. "You're right though, I'm driving Mia to class today so we should hurry up."

Sehun pecks Lucky's lips one more time before suggesting, "Maybe she can join us for breakfast? That way we won't be in a rush."

"Alright, let me go wake her up then," sighs Lucky before getting out of bed.

He throws on his boxers and his discarded shirt that he finds on the floor before heading out of his room. He slowly tip toes over to Mia's room so he doesn't wake Jenny up as well and lightly knocks.

"Mia," he whisper screams but doesn't get a reply back.

He lightly knocks again before opening the door a sliver. Once he notices that her bed is empty, he opens the door all the way and enters her room. Mia's bed is neatly done and her school bag is still lying on the floor where she left it yesterday. It looked like she didn't get back last night.

Frowning, Lucky goes back to his bedroom to find Sehun sitting up shirtless in his bed with nothing but the white sheets covering him and yawning with his messy hair all over the place.

"I don't think Mia came back home last night. Do you think she spent the night with Baekhyun? I mean she did mention that she was there." Thinks Lucky to himself.

Confusion twists Sehun's face in thought. "That's impossible. I was there too last night and she left pretty early after a not so nice interaction with Baekhyun."

"What do you mean?" asks Lucky.

"They had a little...dispute and Mia said she was going to the library before she left."

Not sure what Sehun meant by dispute, Lucky takes his phone that's resting on the night stand next to his bed and dials his best friend's number. It goes to voicemail after a few rings.

"She's not picking up, I'll try again." After multiple tries, Lucky gets nowhere with the phone calls and starts to slightly panic internally.

"Don't worry, I'm sure she's ok. Maybe she just crashed over at a friend's place," suggested Sehun. They were both completely dressed now and siting at the foot of the bed. "Maybe you should ask Jenny? She might know something."

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