Chapter 25

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Dad Joke of the Day: I knew I shouldn't have had the seafood. I'm feeling a little eel.


Every song by Khalid helped me write this chapter. Like his songs are a mood tbh.

Chapter 25

The days go by slowly. When Mia isn't busy with class or work, her best friend seems to be her bed. Her usual bubbly personality has been swapped for a more quiet and melancholic nature. Her friends notice the change in her attitude but decide to give her some space to figure things out although Mia opts for watching dramas in her bed than figuring things out.

It's a bleak Sunday evening and Mia knows she should utilize the weekend to study but she can't bring herself to actually open a book and read. The drama playing on her laptop as she lies down on her bed is nothing but background sound as she plays on apps on her phone. Her room is a mess with junk food wrappers strewn all about and an open tub of ice cream that has started to melt already on the bed beside her. The spoon hanging from her mouth as she struggles to stay alive in her game.

Mia is fully immersed in the activity when a knock on the door interrupts her concentration. With an unintelligible grunt, due to the spoon in her mouth, Mia invites the knocker in.

Popping hi head in, Lucky smiles. "I'm guessing that was you telling me to come in?" he asks mockingly.

Mia's character dies on her phone and she grunts in annoyance. "You made me die," she huffs.

"Well it certainly smells like something died in here," Lucky complains as he closes the doors behind him.

Mia gives him a sheepish look before clearing a part of her bed for Lucky to take a seat. "Sorry, I haven't had time to clean up lately."

"Haven't had time or the motivation?" Lucky raises an eyebrow and looks around.

"What can I help you with?" Mia asks, changing the subject.

Lucky guards Mia with a sympathetic look. "How are you doing?" Lucky asks carefully.

Swallowing, Mia averts her gaze from her friend. "Fine." She simply answers.

"Are you really? Because it seems like you haven't showered in days and haven't slept for even more." Lucky comments taking a look at Mia.

Mia sighs and looks down, her fingers fiddling with the sheets of her bed. Mia has yet to tell her friends about the break, because somehow that would feel more real. Just thinking about it now makes Mia's heart constrict heavily with pain. The worst part of it all is the fact that she doesn't even know if what she did was the right thing to do. Every time she thinks back to that night, she believes that it was the right move. But why does it hurt so much?

A lone tear escapes Mia's eyes and she's quick to wipe it off her cheek but not before Lucky notice. "What happened?" he asks with more concern now, scooting closer to Mia, placing a hand on her thigh and squeezing comfortingly.

"We broke up," Mia finally lets out, cutting into the silence like a knife to butter.

Lucky's face contorts in confusion. "When?" he asks befuddled.

"Thursday night," Mia admits guiltily.

Lucky seems to be surprised by the news. "Why didn't you say anything?" He asks gently.

Mia shrugs and looks away. "I don't know. Maybe because it wouldn't feel real unless I voice it out loud? I was wrong though. It all hurts just the same." Unwanted tears start to pour down Mia's cheeks at a rate too fast for her to wipe so she just ignores it.

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