Chapter 11

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Dad Joke of the Day:

My wife is really mad at the fact that I have no sense of direction. So I packed up my stuff and right. HAHAHAHAHA ok I'll stop.

Chapter 11

The beginning of December brings with it cold winds and light snow fall. Bundled up in a warm jacket and tall boots, Mia and Jenny walk aimlessly around the mall in search of a 'cute outfit' as Jenny had put it earlier.

They enter a store that looks promising and scan the aisles.

"How about this?" asks Mia picking up a tight red dress that seems to be right up Jenny's alley because she squeals and goes to grab it.

"Cute! Your sense of fashion is improving!" exclaims Jenny but it doesn't feel like a compliment to Mia.

"Just go try it on before I leave our ass here," Huffs Mia in fake annoyance as Jenny heads over to the dressing room to try on the dress.

Mia thinks it must be nice to go out shopping for a dress you're planning to wear out just to the club. It's not like Jenny is rich or anything but she definitely has money to spare on luxuries that Mia can't. Mia's not bitter about it though. She knew her parents worked very hard to get her to where she is now and she is forever in their debt.

"So why don't you get something cute too? Maybe catch Baekhyun's attention?" Jenny asks behind closed doors as she tries on the red dress.

"I told you, I'm over that. I can't force him to like me. It's pathetic." Answers Mia while browsing through nearby clothing articles. Pulling out a nice royal blue shirt, she imagines herself in it before she puts it back, not wanting to tempt herself into buying it.

"I don't think you'd have to force anything. I'm pretty sure he already likes you." Says Jenny. She can hear her shifting around the room, probably trying to stuff herself in the too tight dress. Did she even check the size before trying it on? Or the price? Not that they're in an overly priced store.

"Yea, he has a great way of showing it," mumbles Mia under her breath. "Yea well he can do something about it if he wants to." Says Mia a bit louder this time so Jenny can hear her.

Stepping out of the dressing room, Jenny stands in front of Mia showing her the dress. To say she looked gorgeous would be an understatement. Her now pitch black chin length hair framed her face perfectly. Her colorful tattoos were on full display, adding to her girly yet tough vibe.

Mia whistles loudly. "Girl, if I were into girls, Jisoo would be in trouble now," jokes Mia, referring to Jenny's girlfriends.

"I'd have to be in to you too for that to work," jokes Jenny back.

"Ouch. A blow to my ego. That's exactly what I needed for my crumbling self-esteem." Mia teased with a smile on her face so Jenny knew not to take her seriously.

"But this looks good?" asks Jenny taking another look at herself through the mirrors of the open dressing room.

"Yes, you look hot."

"Great! Jisoo's hair is red now so this is perfect." Mia rolled her eyes at the cuteness.

"You should get something like this too," offered Jenny looking at Mia.

"I said I want him to date me, not get me pregnant," winked Mia.

"Crumbling self-esteem my ass," chuckled Jenny before going back into the dressing room to change back into her regular clothes.

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