Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Some people say that if you work very hard, you can end up achieving anything you want in life. To be honest Mia didn't know how she got to where she was now but she could not help the smile that was adorning her face. When her management professor informed her class that they would have to shadow someone in a leadership role and write an essay based on their experience, Mia was going to head back home and spend a day with her dad. But bless Lucky and his brilliant idea that reminded her of Baekhyun. After multiple calls, a ton of texts and embarrassing begging, Mia was finally in the elevator heading up towards Baekhyun's office.

The ride up in the elevator seemed to be taking forever and that was doing nothing to calm Mia's nerves. As soft jazz music plays in the background, Mia takes the time to carefully scrutinize her reflection against the stainless steel doors. Tucking a strand of hair behind her right ear, Mia goes to straighten out her peach, knee length dress. One of the few decent and classy looking dresses she owns. Topped with a heather grey cardigan, Mia looked like a professional young adult. Or at least something close to it.

Once the familiar ding of the elevator sounds, indicating that she has reached her floor, Mia steps out with a big sigh. Remembering the way to Baekhyun's office, Mia makes the short walk engraved in her memory from the last time she was here. Once she reaches the familiar mahogany doors, Mia spots the secretary.

"Hi, I'm here to see Mr. Byun Baekhyun." For some reason, saying his name made everything feel more real and in turn bringing back the nauseous feeling in Mia's stomach.

Looking up from the paperwork on her desk, the secretary gives Mia a once over before giving her a fake sweet smile.

"And do you have an appointment?" She asks.

"Well not exactly but I'm..." Before Mia can even finish her sentence, she's cut off by the lady behind the desk.

"Then you can't go in." The once fake sweet smile that resided on her face is now long gone. Probably figured she didn't have to keep the fake pretenses up now that she knew Mia was no one important.

"But he already kn..."

"No appointment, no entrance. Now please make your way back towards the elevator before I call security." It was obvious she wasn't going to budge any time soon. Mia couldn't understand why she wouldn't even give her a second to explain herself.

"Look I get that you're busy but if you just ask him to..." Rolling her eyes and sighing, the secretary stands up and yells for security. Within seconds, there's a brawny man in a white button up shirt and black slacks holding her by her arm. Was he always there? And why didn't Mia even notice him until he had his hands on her?

"Ma'am you'll have to come with me." Well Mia was not about to argue with the man. Feeling the dejection settle in, she decides to quietly comply when a door opening interrupts everyone.

Immediately both the secretary and the security guard bow at the waist in respect.

"Sir!" Exclaims the secretary startled at Baekhyun's sudden appearance.

Even though Mia has seen him at work before, it felt different now. He stood in front of his door looking slightly agitated in a fitted grey suit and a light blue shirt. There was an authoritative aura about him that easily indicated him as someone with a high placement in the company.

"What's with all the commotion?" asks Baekhyun patiently.

"My apologies sir, we were just about to take care of the problem. We didn't mean to disturb you." The secretary bows down again in apology.

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